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That little coffee shop BamBam took me to on my first day in Seoul wasn't too far from my aunt's apartment.

I hadn't realized this until I had to escape my aunt's too-small-to-fit-everyone apartment the other day. My grandparents had already arrived and were staying at a hotel, but they decided to visit my aunt's apartment.

After much criticism from my grandparents about how I had "ruined my beautiful hair" by putting that lilac streak in my hair and how I should wear brighter, more girly clothing to "highlight my girly features," I had had enough and excused myself from the apartment. Of course, my grandparents and my mother tried to get me to stay but Aunt Abbi let me go.

That's how I found my way here, alone. I ordered the same thing that BamBam got for me the last time. I was thinking that maybe this would be my special place her in Seoul. There was even a currency exchange right across the street. I had brought a lot of extra cash, considering the fact that we would be here for a while. Although my aunt was cool enough to give me an allowance everyday. Honestly, where does she work that she's earned so much?

Anyway, the coffee shop was quiet, not too much people went inside at the same time. It was the perfect place to escape to since the grandparents were back at my aunt's apartment.

And at least I had gotten the chance to charge the music player this time.

So there I was, sitting at a table in the far corner, when the bell at the entrance sounded and in came someone I thought I had seen the last of.

I didn't think BamBam noticed me as he walked straight for the counter. I tried to focus on the hot tea that I had ordered, pretending to myself that his presence didn't distract me from the music I was blasting through my headphones.

A faint shadow fell on the table and I looked up only to see the Thai kpop celebrity. He smiled and something I couldn't hear. I held up my hand and pulled off my headphones.

"Sorry, what?"

"I asked if anyone was sitting here," he said.

"Oh, yeah, he's kinda invisible at the moment," I said.

He chuckled, taking a seat on the chair across from me.

"So, how are you?" he asked.

I shrugged. "Fine, I guess. What brings you here?"

"I wanted some coffee," he simply said. "Something wrong with that?"

I shook my head. "Nope. Just surprised to see you again."

"Well, I'm glad to see you again. I saw you at the restaurant the other day."

"Really? I didn't see you."

"I know you did. You were staring."

"Not at you. Your friend, the one beside you, he's kinda hot," I said trying to play down the fact that I was caught.

"Mark?" he questioned out loud as if he was trying to make sense of it. "He's okay, but I'm better-looking."

I just shrugged. Honestly, I had no idea who he was talking about. BamBam was the only one of the seven that had caught my eye. Not that I would tell him that.

It was quiet for a while until he broke the silence.

"So, you were with your family at the restaurant, right?"

"Yeah, so?"

"I don't think I saw your dad? Did he not come with you here?" he asked.

The question caught me off guard and I let out the first words that popped into my head. "You don't know when you're not wanted, do you?"

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