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oliver x reader ~ the riddle that shocked everyone pt. 1

for story purposes pretend they're only a year apart :)

this is also gonna be a two shot

Being the new girl is hard, but being the new girl from a whole different country is worse. I'm sixteen, I was eleven when I found out I was a witch. Due to my parents Christian morals they thought only bad things of my witch side and didn't bother to even remember who their daughter truly was. They kicked me out when I was fifteen so I  jumped house to house until I got a letter. I was also fifteen when I got my letter. Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. I've known about the school and in my research I found out many things have happened but I went, I've been attending for about three months and the change has been excruciating. I went from being a public school American girl, to attending a boarding school in Scotland. Being sorted into Slytherin, I had a boy named "Malfoy, Draco Malfoy", as he introduced himself, to show me around on Dumbledore's orders. Now you might be thinking "a muggle born..." I am no muggle born, I am Tom Riddle's daughter that he had before he went completely crazy, so in his Hogwarts years. But he didn't exactly want me, so he shipped me off to America to get rid of me. I'm not as crazy as him, but I definitely got his temper, I don't act on it. Dumbledore told me when I got here, and to be light, it shook my world. I made friends with a witch from Gryffindor with the name of Hermione Granger and she introduced me to her to her Gryffindor friends. There was this one boy that stood out to me, his brown hair, and soft brown eyes, he was nice to look at, hard to talk too. Not because he was mean or anything but because I was completely head over heels for the Gryffindor keeper with a thick Scottish accent which made me erupt in butterflies in my... well you get the idea.

"Y/N!" Hermione waved her hand in front of my face, pulling me out of my trance.


"What are you doing? Thinking about a certain quidditch player, are you?"

"Which one though?" I hear a voice, a Scottish accent and I freeze.

"Hello Wood," Hermione says while smirking at me.

"Ganger," he nods at her. "Anyway who is this quidditch player? I probably know them."

"You definitely know them." Hermione giggles and I kick her under the table. "Ow!" she cries in pain.

"You alright there girls?"

I nod and see Harry and the Weasley clan walking over.

"Hey y'all," I say, nodding to them.

Everyone around me pulls a confused face.

"What the bloody hell is 'y'all'," Ron asks.

"Y'all? it's an American thing, I'm not too sure. It just means you all. Like all of you? I'm not sure how to explain..."

"That's weird..." Ron admits.

I stuck my tongue out at him, "well you guys say weird stuff too!" I pout.

Oliver chuckles and I look at him.

"What's so funny Wood?"


"Awh, why so nervous?" I stand up and i sit next to him, "is it possible that you find me attractive Wood?" I whisper in his ear.

His face turns bright red and I smirk. I look at him and bat my eyes. I'm a naturally flirty person but when I like someone it intensifies.

"U-um I-i don't know how to answer that Y/N..."

"Come on Ollie, when have you ever had trouble talking to me?" I say seductively leaning closer to him.

"Y/N... I don't know what to say right now."

I smirk and walk away swaying my hips.

"What's wrong with you mate? It's only Y/N."

"It's not only Y/N, Fred!"

"What do you have feelings for her?"

"I-i... well, it's complicated."

"How can it be complicated, it's either you fancy her or you don't," Hermione says.

"Okay fine, I do fancy Y/N, a lot. Ever since she got here, but she could never like me." He says sadly.

"And I thought was Fred was oblivious to Hermione." Harry chuckles.

"Hey!" Hermione, Fred, and Oliver protest.

I forgot my book so I went back when I heard them talking about me. he likes me... OH MY GOD HE LIKES ME. HELL YES. THIS IS THE BEST DAY EVER. I thought, I took a quiet but deep breath and returned to my natural self.

"You like me?" I smirk from behind them.

They all jump and look at me.

"How long have you been standing there, Love..." Oliver asks shyly yet confidently.

"Long enough." I sit next to him.

"I thought you were leaving?" Ginny says annoyed, she's not the biggest fan of me.

"Ginny!" Harry and the twins say.

"I was but I forgot my book so I'd appreciate it if you dropped the sass, thank you." I smile fakely at her and avert my eyes.

"You're bloody annoying, you come in here and act like you own the place."

"I hope you do realize I'm not actually a muggle." I chuckle evilly.

Everyone looks at me.

"What do you mean? You're from America and you never went to a school like this..." Ron asks.

"Wait, do you guys not see it..." Hermione looks at me with realization and fear.

"See what?" Harry asks.

"H-her father is tom riddle... not Lord Voldemort but literally Tom Riddle." Everyone around me scoots away and looks at me in fear, even Oliver.

"He didn't raise me though..."

"Doesn't matter..." Ginny says scared.

"Is this actually going to affect how you guys see me?"

Everyone stays quiet.

"Oh great, thank you guys so much, I really do appreciate it." I roll my eyes and stand up to walk away. I feel a hand grab my wrist so I turn around.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Oliver asks softly.

"Because of this! I didn't want you to see me differently!" I sigh. "I spent my whole life not knowing that my father was a mass murderer, I spent my whole life thinking I wasn't the spawn of something evil. I am still the same person you met three months ago, the man that made a girl pop me out doesn't change a damn thing, and if it does that's on you not me." I start to walk away.

"You're  bloody insane, what are you planning? Taking over the school and killing us all." Ginny says.

"Fine, if that's what you think I'll just go. I'm dropping out!"

I ran out of the great hall, where we were, and I go down to the dungeons.

"Why do you look like you're gonna cry? You filthy little mudblood." Draco and his friends laugh.

"STUPIFY!" I shout and he flies across the room, everyone looks at me in shock.

I ran up to my dorm and packed my stuff, I know when I'm not wanted. I let tears fall down my face and I drop to the floor and start sobbing.

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