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draco malfoy ~ seeing things differently

Being Harry Potter's sister wasn't easy, yes you were part of the chosen twins but of course, everyone only paid attention to him. Not that you minded too deeply, you weren't into the spotlight as much as he was, and he didn't like it either, so just imagine how you felt about it. Even with your differences you were still so close.

"Still nothing?"

"Nope..." You respond sadly.

There's a thing in the wizarding world that muggle's don't have. When you and your soulmate make eye contact the world lights up with color but you're born colorblind. Being almost sixteen you wondered when you and your soulmate would make eye contact or meet... The common room door swings open and Ron Weasley walks in with some people. For being in a world where making eye contact is important, you sure hated making eye contact.

"Still nothing?" Ron asks.

"Harry just asked the same, and no. I'm started to get really pissed off... Neville has Luna, you have Hermione, Dean has Seamus..."

"You're not alone, Harry hasn't found his soulmate either." Seamus smirks.

"That's very true." You giggle happily.

"You know what Finnigan!" Harry chucks a pillow at him.

You started making sense of everything and realized if you were gonna get anywhere you needed to make eye contact with people. So although you were scared, you did what you needed to do. You were sitting in potions when Snape decided to mix things up and put you with Draco Malfoy. You doubted he was your soulmate but you avoided eye contact because he bullied you. But you decided today was the day you would finally make eye contact with him.

"Do you wanna go get the ingredients, Shit Face?"

You made eye contact with him and the classroom, and everything lit up with color. You hadn't realized his eyes were so pretty. You both gasp slightly.


"That's not possible."

Snape looked up and quickly realized what was happening. He rushed over to you.

"You see color?" You nod. "Malfoy?" He nods as well.

Harry runs over as well and looks at Draco.

"Don't break her heart... We've- she's been through enough."

"I won't hurt her, Harry."

"Harry? That's new." I joke.

"Ha ha ha. Y/N you are so very hilarious."

"Thanks, I seem to think so too!" I smirk and he playfully rolls his eyes.

He gives me a genuine smile causing me to smile back.

Time skip:

"Scorpius, stop running!"

"Mum, I'm gonna be late."

The eleven year old boy ran down the platform.

"Your father isn't even here yet."

He stops dead in his tracks and slowly turns around, "what...?"

"Your father is running late."

"Is he gonna make it?"

"I'm not sure Buddy, he said he would."

The young boy nodded sadly at his mom, clearly used to his father being absent. Harry walked over and smiled at the two.

"Hey there Scorp, why the long face?"

Scorpius just proceeded to shake his head, trying to stop the tears that were threatening to leave his eyes.

You whispered into his ear, "Draco might not come."

"Well where is he?" He whispers back.

"I don't know... I called him..."

Suddenly you hear people shouting and turn your head. You see your very late husband tuning over to you guys.

"Draco you're late."

"I know Darling, there was traffic. Hey Bud!"

"Hi Dad... You're late...."

"I know son," Draco kneels to his height and whispers in his ear, "I was planning a surprise for your mom. Can you keep a secret?"

The young boy nodded.

"I bought her a necklace and flowers!" He still whispers.

Scorpius smiles knowing his mom will love that. She loves jewelry after all, especially if it came from her loving husband. The two sent off the young boy and went back to the mannor.

"Home sweet home..."

Draco taps her shoulder and she turns around.

"You know I love you, right?"

"Of course, love...?"

"I remember years ago, we were in potions. We got partnered, that was the first day you made eye contact with me. I remember looking into your y/e/c and then realizing I could see color. You literally and metaphorically added color to my life. You didn't care that I was destined for bad things, you only ever saw the good in me. Even when I tormented you and your brother. And I never told you think but I only tormented you to get your attention but when that didn't work I went after people you cared about, knowing that you would speak up. I'm so surprised that you didn't get sorted into Hufflepuff."

"Draco, I love you too... And thank you for everything you've given me, this life is crazy."

"I was a seeker right?"


"And it's still in my blood, so I bought you this, to always remember. You have the ring but I figured I could get you more, I like to spoil you."

He holds up a silver snitch with a green gem. It wasn't a small necklace either, it had room for an engraving that read: 'to my Y/N, you'll always be my catch, forever.'

She looks up at him and smiles, "forever it is."

Ever since they started dating their word had always been forever, because they would be with each other forever and they knew that. Draco and Y/N.... Forever and Always.

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