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I was awakened by the bright light of the sun in my eyes I groaned softly shielding them getting ready to turn but I couldn't which alerted me. I quickly opened my eyes and looked up at a peacefully sleeping Alec. As the memories flooded my mind I smiled
I pushed my face into the crook of his neck drifting back off until I heard

" Alec have you seen Char- oh my god!"
We jolted up which caused me to fall off the bed on my ass "Shit" I groaned rolling around. Alec hurried over to me to help me up. I got up and rubbed my ass to see who was searching for me to see Clary eyeing us both.
"is there something you need Clary ?" I asked huffing as I got up with the help of Alec. Clary looked down shaking her head before saying quickly that Izzy needed me.

As the days go by me and Izzy have gotten closer and more closer. I nod and she leaves a looks back at Alec who is chuckling on his bed looking at me "Well looks like you're needed, im finna take a shower would you like to train together? Later on of course?" He asked standing up walking up to me wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me in gently. I smile and run my hand in his wild bed head nodding.
" sounds good to me handsome," I say kissing his cheek gently before getting out of his grip. I walked into Izzy's room without knocking cuz she already knew it was me.
" yes, woman?" I asked as I lay on her bed grabbing a pillow.
She giggled softly before pulling out a skin-tight red dress with a slit almost to the hip and a black long silk dress. She raised a perfectly arched eyebrow before tossing them to me "Choose one you're going on a mission with me later on" she said as she stood in her full body mirror looking herself over. I stood up and looked at both dresses before choosing the red one picking it up and looking towards her.
"Good cuz I wanted the black one," she says smiling at me
"So what's this mission?" I went to her mirror and played with my curls before letting them fall freely
"I need to talk with a certain Seelie I need you to come with me just in case yk ?" She says tilting her head slightly as she looks at me. Seelies are also known as faeries, or the Fair Folk. They cannot lie, though they use evasive and distraction tactics to avoid directly answering questions they do not want to. They are an extremely manipulative, cunning, and mischievous race of Downworlders, their angel and demon blood attributing to both their beauty and malevolence.
I smiled and put an arm around her shoulders
" you know I got you, me and Alec are gonna train before I get ready ok?" I say quickly before I try to run but didn't get far without her saying
" wait Alec is training with someone beside me, or Jace? Am I missing something, Charlie ?" She asked smirking as she sat on her bed crossing her long legs. I blushed before nibbling on my bottom lip
" Actually yeah" I started as I lay beside her "we slept together last night"
"WAIT WHAT!" She shrieked as she quickly looked at me shocked.
I blushed red shaking my head quickly
"What! No !? Not like that I mean slept" I say covering my face. We both laughed as we looked at each other. Soon I told her everything that happened last night before leaving with the dress walking to my room and getting dressed for training. My mind fell on my life. It was just a month ago and Nala was in Hawaii visiting her family for the week. And now we are at war for some reason that I don't even know a single tear slid down my face as I washed my body. It wasn't long before I was out of the shower and in the training room stretching waiting for Alec when I sensed a pair of eyes on me. I turned to lock eyes with the fabulous Magnus Bane who for some reason doesn't like me. I frowned and crossed my eyes as I say
" is there something I can help you with Magnus?" I asked in the nicest way possible.
He just smirked and walked down the hallway after saying
"Of course not what possibly could you do for me"
I rolled my eyes and walked over to some weights. My mind was filled with clouds of jealousy. Alec opened up to me about a lot. He told me about his sexuality and his family. i can't help but think about him and Magnus they were friends and had moments that made them more than friends but that was a long time ago and he hasn't done anything with him like that in a long time. I was caught by surprise with two pairs of long pale arms grabbing one of each weight in my hand 

"do you need some help?" Alec's voice rang in my ears. I couldn't help but smile as the aggravation evaporated like steam rolling off my body.

we trained for bout an hour or so before we walked back to his room.

"so what's on your mind today? you didn't even notice me walk behind you" Alec said as he picked out some of his clothes to put on after I took a shower. Before I could say anything a siren went off and an explosion boomed in my ears causing me to drop to the ground clutching my ears and wincing in pain. 

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