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For the past week I have been training my ass off. Also I've been having nightmares about a war that's ahead of me for the past week. Its going to be a war in the end and when its over you ill be too . Nala's voice rang through my head and echoed as if it as hollow . I refuse to let her win this. I was so lost in my thought I didn't realize that I punched my punching bag to the wall leaving a crack.

"hey you alright?"

I turned to see Alec with a worried expression written all over his face. I pant slightly nodding as I wiped the sweat off my forehead

" yeah I'm great heard anything from the circle since their last appearance?" I asked as I grabbed my bottle of water.

"no not anything yet maybe you should take a rest from train you've been doing that non stop lately and that can take a toll on you, have you even eaten Charlie?" as he asked I thought about It and shook my  head.

" no but I wi-"

"I'm not taking no for an answer either you eat or I'm telling Izzy and letting her cook you something to eat" he say taking my hand and taking me to the kitchen. My face immediately scrunched up in disgusted if the of the thought of Izzy making me something to eat. she is the worst cook there is of all time so I remained silent and let Alec cook me something. I couldn't help but let my mind fall into a fantasy. His bright smile and light chocolate eyes filled my mind. Then it was his soft plump lips that made me look at him and lick my lips. I stood up and pulled I'm away from the hot stove kissing him deeply. I wrapped my arms around his neck pulling him closer as he wrapped his under my butt picking me up and placing me on the counter. our bodies molded together as i bit his bottom lip causing him to groan and grip my hips. he trailed kisses down my neck to my sensitive spot nibbling there making me jerk and move my head to give him more access.i moaned softly as his cold hands slowly ran up my warm stomach and up to my-

"Charlie? Did you hear anything I said?" i sat up straight and cleared my throat and looked up at Alec with two plates in his hand one. I blushed red as I realized it wasn't real.

"oh um I'm sorry I didn't hear you what did you say?"i asked as i grabbed my plate then got us both a glass of water.

"I was saying that i know this is hard for you because it happen all at once and I just want you to know I am only one a door way away and I am always here for you. look at your knuckles you've been training for weeks non stop and it is showing in your face that you're working way too hard. you need a break" he says softly. I didn't realize that i was crying nor that I was in his arms until I  felt his wet shit on my cheek and I fell limp in his arm and cried for hours there. He told me to eat and then he took me to his room and we talked for hours I spilled everything to him as  he held me and I cried. I even told him about my mom and the dark relationship I had with her.

"I am sorry that i messed up your shirt" I say laughing as I sat up and looked down at his shirt then at him. We locked eyes and he wiped my face and smiled softly at me.

"Thank you Alexander I really needed this" I say smiling and grabbing one of his hands and interlocking our fingers

"I will always be here for you Charlotte no matter what happens or who gets in the way that won't change at all I promise" Alec says sitting up slightly. I searched his eyes for any lie or deception but didn't see it and that made my heart flutter open for him completely.I felt safe in his arms as  laid back down on his chest and listened to his heartbeat before falling into slumber tight in his arms.

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