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"what the hell is this ?!" I ask again as Alec walks up to me
" It's a healing rune I didn't know what was wrong with you so I quickly gave you the rune and i didnt want you to feel that pain anymore I'm sorry " Alec rambled. I just hug him and nod. I thought it was cute that he did that
" It's ok Alec calm down " I say and he nod. I sighed and sat down rubbing my head
" why this to me ? I know I am going to see her again but how long am I going to have to wait for her ?" I asked looking at both Alec and Simon. Simon sat beside me rubbing my back. I miss her lilac smell and her laugh. She is apart of me and right now that part of me is missing . I stood quickly as I felt myself about to cry .
" I need some air" I sniffled rushing out the door before anyone could protest. I walk straight past everyone....everyone except Izzy of course. She stopped me by grabbing my wrist
" nope" was all she said before pulling me into the training room. I chuckled at Izzy . I really like her
" ouuuu I almost had it" I said as she got into her fighting stance. I smirked at her
"You sure you want to do this ?" I asked raising both my eyebrows and she nodded so I shrugged and got into my fighting position. She ran towards me and tried to punch me . I dodged her punches and hit her in her sides making her groan falling back slightly. I smirked and took that as an opportunity to pounce . I hit both sides of her ribs , kicked the back of her legs so she would fall  on her stomach , sat on top of her and grabbed her ankle. I twisted it so it the wrong way until she tapped
" POINT FOR ME" I yelled and jumped up doing my victory dance. She stood up and huffed. She walked passed me just so she could kick the back of my knee and for me to fall
" ha point for me " she said swaying away
"Dammit iz" I mumbled as I looked at the ceiling sighing
" you're not that bad at fighting" I turned to see Alec leaning against the opening to the training room smirking. I don't know what but it made me want to blush and that's what I did
" thanks" I say softly walking up to him
" are you ok?" He asked and I just looked at him
" ask me that next week" I say and he looked at me confusingly titling his head
" I can't answer that right now In this week so ask me that next week" I giggled as he nodded. He wrapped his arms around me pulling me closer. I was engulfed in his scent roses and lemons  . I wrapped my arms around his neck pulling him closer
" you wanna know something" he whispers but I hear him clearly
I just hum in response
" you don't just pull my heart strings" he pulls back slightly to look at me and continues
" you rip them out all the time and I don't know much about you" I looked up at him and smirked pulling his face inches to mines
" good" I whisper on his lip and kissed him roughly pulling his bottom lip when I pulled away. I heard him groan as I swayed away. Bomb ass kisses I give 💋

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