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I was shocked. Alec just kissed me and his submissive side was cute but his domninate side was sexy as hell. I could think straight and it's all his fault cuz he is tugging at my heart strings which is new this has never happened before. I blushed and put on some black sweatpants and a black crop top. I walk downstairs to see Nala blood on the floor I sighed
She is coming back don't worry
I thought as I cleaned her blood up . When I put the mop up a surge of power came over me which made me yelp cuz of the pain that was going through my body
You are my weapon now Charlotte Lewis
My eyes changed different colors as I feel to my knees looking around and Simon ran to my side
You are the only of your kind and your immortal
I whimpered as Alec picked me up and laid me in a bed as my hair became firey red
You are now half Shadowhunter , half werewolf, half warlock, half demon , half vampire and half angel
The pain has gone as I lay in the bed
" Twinn are you ok?" Simon ask as he laid beside me I just smiled and nod as I go to a mirror and saw a another tattoo but this one was a symbol and it look like it was burned to my skin. Alec walked in the room and looked at me
" What the hell is this ?" I asked walking up to him

The Other Lewis ( Alec Lightwood love story)Where stories live. Discover now