Chapter One..

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Mikasa PoV

"Mikasa, ever since I was a kid, I've always hated you.." Eren sternly said.I felt my eyes tearing up, I looked over at Armin to see what his reaction was..He was going to land a punch on Erens face and succesfully did it..But Eren punched him in the face back, kneed him on his guts and threw his head on to the cold, hard floor.I had finally let out that sob that was caught up in my throat.I saw Armin bleeding and Eren going back to hit Armin more but before he could do that I said two words, "Just stop.." I saw Eren give me a cold look while he was saying "There is no need for us to fight, just tell me where Zeke is and I'll leave you alone." We would never tell Eren where Zeke was. I help Armin up while Eren was walking away and telling something to one of the soldiers. The soldiers came over and handcuffed me and Armin and brought us over to a cell where Connie, Horseface and Levi were. I still couldn't get over the fact that Sasha is dead..She was like a kind, caring and funny sister too me. But at this point most of my family are..gone...


I stopped crying and started questioning myself and existence.

Should I have never met Eren?

Should I have died with my parents?

Am I really wanted around here?

*Whoops i forgot to put a TRIGGER WARNING soz xox anyways TRIGGERING scenes idk what its called sorry to the ppl who didnt wanna read it and read it bc of me*

Then an idea came up..I looked around the room to find something sharp and found a piece of broken, sharp glass. I went to the table and sat down and..started making small cuts on my hand with the glass. I didn't make the cuts deep in hope that Eren had a bit of love left for his two best friends. I winced and shrieked in pain while making more cuts that is until Armin noticed. He started running over to me at the speed of light, taking the glass from me and throwing outside the cell bars so I couldn't get it and start cutting my hand again. He shouted "MIKASA WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" I didn't and couldn't respond so all I did was let out a small sob. He ran over to the table and took a piece of cloth and tied it over my hand applying pressure. And then he came...

It was Eren... I was really fed up.. He said he needed help in an upcoming mission he opened the cell I truly wanted to punch him in the face. I never thought of that in my whole life. Everyone walked out of the cell and just gave Eren a cold or stern look. For some reason Armin winked at me and I think I know what he meant by that... I walked up to Eren took of my scarf and placed it in his hands and sternly said " Keep your DAMN scarf I don't want that worthless piece of crap!" He didn't show one bit of sadness. Me and Armin looked at each other and by this we both knew that Eren had no love for us in the first place.......

Eren PoV

I really didn't care that I hurt my two best friends. I really did hate Mikasa babying me all the time. But as I told them to get out of the cell I saw Mikasa coming up to me. She had cloth tied on her arm with blood on it? Was she cutting herself? She shouldn't be doing that just because I said I've always hated her. That just proves shes only strong physically and not mentally. And there she was always showing off her strength. Me and Mikasa were face to face, our lips a few inches apart. Wait why am I even thinking that?! She harshly put the scarf in my hands and sternly said with a cold look "Keep your DAMN scarf I don't want that worthless piece of crap!!" I was happy that I finally got my mothers scarf back, I wanted it back for so many years! As she and the others were walking away to get geared up, I went to a room and put the scarf on. I really was happy that I got my moms scarf back. I wasn't really happy about the fact she gave it too me but I guess it's fine.. The scarf..Still has Mikasas scent..Did she always smell this good?!

I got up and sighed, went over to the gear room to tell Jean, Connie and Armin that they don't need to help me with the mission. Because I'm a nice person. All I need is The Ackermans.

Mikasa PoV

We were starting to gear up until Eren came in, he still as that cold, stern look on his face as if it never gets off his face. Just like the pipsqueak(Levi). I really didn't want to deal with him again. He came up to us and said "You don't need to gear up. You're not part of the mission except the Ackermans."I gave out a sigh because I really didn't want to help him, not after what he did to me and Armin. Me and pipsqueak finished getting ready and went to Eren for the mission. While on the mission I swore to myself I wouldn't look at and ignore Eren.


Eren Pov

I walked over to Mikasa and Levi to give them their orders, Mikasa gave me a cold "what?"  as I tried to give orders, not looking at me. I felt..kind of hurt.. for some reason..but I still don't regret what I said to her that day. I don't have to go through her babying me and worrying about the smallest thing about me.

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