the new girl

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raven pov:

I wake up to sound of my alarm clock and relize what today is.

I groan as i get up assuming this school will be as bad as the rest.This time its even worse. According to Max (my roommate) the school has some rich kids there who act like they own the place.

As I pull on my ravenclaw jumper I hear max shouting.

"get up, we going to be late"

I rush through to the kitchen and make my self some toast. When i'm done the two of us get in her car 

"I could teleport us there you know then we would not be late"i remarked

 "And get us caught again, no way last time we did that the whole school saw us and i do not want to have to erase a whole schools memories again "she replied. She was right and we had only just moved here so I did not want to move so soon. At this point i'm kinda confused on why she has not ditched me at the rate we move.

Max pov :

I wake up to the sound of raven alarm I would get my own but why get my own one when ravens is so loud it could wakes up the whole street if put in the right spot I change into my usual outfit a grey short sleved top with a lever jacket and ripped black jeans.

As I got breakfast i shouted "get up, we going to be late" at raven she was not the quickest person but she could at least try to be productive.

She quickly rushed through the kitchen getting toast before we got into the car it was not a very new car but worked so it was good enough for them as we started driving raven remarked

"I could teleport us there you know then we would not be late"

"And get us caught again, no way last time we did that the whole school saw us and i do not want to have to erase a whole schools memories again " I stated . It was true she had teleported us to school once it had been aufull .

neither of us spoke for the rest of the ride.

teen titans AUOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz