a short chapter

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A N:

hi so i will proberly(not defintly) realse 2 part this week im very bored and have nothing better 2 do so enjoy

raven pov:

as me and max walked to class i saw two girls fighting one was black haired blue eyed,the other one blond and kinda short there was also a tall and had pink hair tall and had pink hair she was clearly trying to inteven 

me and max got class early as instucted by the head teacher

"hi,i'm your teacher Mrs Jones the two of you can sit in the back seet's  you'll only be sitting next to one other person and if you need to go and calm down you can leave"the teacher said

"thank you miss"max responed.the two of us walk to the back off the class 

"kill them all,kill them"the voise in my head screams

I try not to listen as the voise get's louder 

max taps my shoulder to wake me from the trance

I see people coming in.the pink haired girl walkes over to us,I assume she is the person that is sitting next to us

"hi im kori"the pink haired girl said

"max,and this is raven she has trouble talking so she problerly won't respond"

"ok"kori said cheerily .

I smiled to indacate I was ok with kori to max

"okay class,so can we finnish up are conversation's so we can start class,ok great"said Mrs Jones

the whole class when't silent.I guess that she is a strick teacher until I acciently read some green haired boy's mind 

"this prank on the new kids is so hillarous there gonna think she so stricked even though she so nice"he thought

i infultrated maxes mind to tell her

"okay thanks"she thought

"so for today's lesson we are gonna learn about the Möbius Strip"Mrs Jones said

"the Möbius Strip is a 3D shape with one side so to demonstrate this we will watch a video on it and create our own ones  out of paper"she explained

"who would like to hand out the paper"she asked

the boy in the black hoodie who helped us with getting to the office was the only one to put his hand up

"damien you can hand it out"


kori pov:

after class i desided to tell max and raven about the prank that Gar had pulled

"hello max and raven i just wanted to inform you that Mrs Jones is realy nice and Gar just wanted to prank you into thinking that Mrs Jones is really stricked"

"okay thank you for telling us"max said

raven signed "thanks kori"

yes i know sign language I'm very good with learning new languages I know Chinese,Spanish,Portuguese,Russian and of coruse english

"your welcome"I said 

"you know you can sit with me at at lunch, i can introduce you to my friends"I said

I was waiting for max to respond when raven signed "yes" 

"thats great"i said

"you know sign language?"max said

"yes,I do"i responed proudly

"thats great"max said clearly happy raven was smiling 

the three of us walked donna's and terra's class


hi thank all of you for the surport sorry for my auful spelling and gramma please comment ship's for the charecters and 52o words this is the most i have done in this . thank you for all the surport

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