the boy in black

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raven pov:

the school is grand  it looks nothing like the other school we had been to 

"woah" said max 

"come on lets go" she started dragging me through the corridoors 

"OI,watch out"a boy remarked as max bumped into him.The boy was wearing a black hoodie

"sorry,i was'nt looking"replied max."i'm max this is raven we are new here can tell us where the headteachers office is"

"sure"the boy repiplid I could scence his emoisions and was kinda confused from he was feeling.It was covered up preety well but i could still tell.He was suspicoius of us.I mean i get why we are very sus teens.

"so where did you transfere from?"he asked

"eastwood high"max responded.I could tell max was sus to.I guessed i had zoned out and he had asked mulitupul questons from the look on her face.

"okay we are here,see you around i guess"he said breaking the silcence 

"thanks"he was clearly surpised when i spoke as i had not for the whole walk and he had not expected my voise to sound like it did.It was like that with most people.

we when't in and i saw anouther boy he was a older than us and the boy in the black hoodie come up to him and seemingly start teasing him.

damien (the boy in the black hoodie) pov:

after dropping the two girls office I noticed dick coming up to me i rolled my eyes knowing that he had seen me with them and was going to tease me about it.

"hey,damien"dick called from down the hall

"what is it grayson"i resoned. 

"i saw you walking with thoughs girls,"here it gose i thought to my self ....

sorry for all the spelling mistakes. if this dose not seem how the charecters would act im sorry i dont have that much DC resourses and this is only chapter 2 if you dislike the way im writing them please tell and i will try to make ajustments. 

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