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Okay i dont know who needs to here this but I DO NOT OWN TEEN TITANS OR ANY CHARECTERS OTHER THAN RAVEN SOURSE .sorry for my awfull spelling,now on to the story

max pov:

i as i walk to class i can see raven talking to kori i know she is exsited to not have to write or have me traslate every time she wants to speak but she can't .I know ravens coming along in talking but our trauma and espicsialy hers dose not allow her a normal life


when we got home i notised a note on the counter i looked at it it said:

dear raven,

sorry i cant come round to day but im sure max would be able to help you with getting a better grip on your abilitys i have left my notes accompanide with the letter if the two of you do deside to practise see you tommoro 

from doctor jonathan smith

"hey rae,doctor smith said he could'ent come to day"i shouted

"okay"raven whispered teloporting behind me

"hey,you spoke well done"

"thank you"

raven pov:

"hey you spoke well done" i felt much more comftable talking around max her aura is more comftable and kind

"thank you"i repiled.

i can only get out one or to word sentences though the other day i did mangage to string togever a whole sentence.

"do you want to watch a movie tonight" max said i could tell she wanted to reward me for speaking not once but twice

i started to nod then slow spoke the words "i would like that"

i suddenly smiled relising i had spoken 4 words

"4 words that is a new record i'll get us some popcorn"


so i feel like i need to clareifi raven is not mute she can't talk very well as her trauma is stoping her she is slowly relearning to talk but just needs maxes help as she feels more comfutable talking with some one who wen't frough the same stuff she did.

335 words 

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