Coraline AU part 7

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Skarra's POV:

I stared at the clock in my room, 4:15 am. Fuck it, I got up and went to find Vusi, I found him waiting for me in the room where the secret door is. We looked at each other, we didn't need words, I looked at the door determined.

I looked for a bag and put in it the things that I will need, a candle, a flashlight, a knife and other things I could use to defend myself , I also packed the jade triangle that Tore and Miko gave me.
I went back to the room where the door is and opened it, took out the key and put it in my bag, lit the candle and crawled into the tunnel, using the candle as a torch.

Vusi: I do not know if you known that you are going straight to his trap -he said going just behind me.

- I have to go back, they're my family.

Vusi: ask him to play a game, he doesn't play nice, but he won't refuse. He loves games, you know?

I sighed and nodded as I kept crawling towards the other side of the door it suddenly opened and a dark silhouette appeared in front of me.

Vince: Son! you've come back for us! -exclaimed the shadow.

I was so relieved that I accelerated my step in the tunnel, and holding back tears I ran to hug him.

"Vince": my dear boy... Why did you run away from me? -he asked.

At that moment, my soul left my body as I felt a skeleton hand returning the hug. I broke the hug and pushed him away, and I only saw the other father in front of me.

- where is my family? -I asked, trying not to be intimidated by him.

O.Vince: I have no idea where your old family is, my precious boy. Maybe they got bored of you and moved to France. -he replied in a mocking and sarcastic tone.

- Liar! I know you kidnapped them! -I replied angrily.

O.Vince: don't give me that tone, Skarra! -he raised his voice, then he leaned towards me and smiled maliciously- why don't you take a seat?

Then the other Dooma snuck up behind me and grabbed me, making me unable to move, I tried to free myself but he was holding me really tightly. I was surprised that he was able to lift me up into the air seemingly effortlessly due to his looks. He looked emaciated, pale, and weak, it seemed that at any moment he was going to collapse on the floor. He forced me into a beetle-shaped chair.
The skeletal-looking warlock crouched down and peered into the open door, from which a small robot emerged from the other side, holding the button-shaped key. The other Vince took the key, closed the door, and then swallowed the key.

-Why doesn't he have his own key?

O.Dooma: just one key -he said in a singing tone before being interrupted and pushed by the other Vince.

O.Vince: shh! The soccer field needs maintenance, don't you think so, son? -he asked as she dragged him out of the room

O. Dooma: kick ball ... Soccer -muttered that and more things that I could not understand.

I got up from the chair and looked around the room, whispering, calling my father and my brother. where could he have hidden them?

O. Vince: Time for breakfast!~ -He called cheerfully, pulling me out of my thoughts.

I walked to the kitchen with slow steps and being alert. I walked into the kitchen and the other Vince was cooking and humming like the very first time I came. I took a deep breath "be strong, Aniekan" I sat at the table and looked at the button box in front of me, wiped the sweat from my forehead, and plucked up the courage to speak.

- What if we play a game? -I asked, and the other Vince stopped humming abruptly- ... I know you like games.

O. Vince: Everyone loves games, Skarra... -he paused for a bit- and what kind of game would you like to play?

- An exploration game... A game about looking for things.

O. Vince: and what would you be looking for, my dear boy? -he asked, tapping his long nails on the sink.

- ... My real family...

O.Vince: pfft, that's too easy. -he said jokingly while he served me the breakfast.

- ... And, the other guys' eyes.

O. Vince: ha, and what if you don't find them? -he defiantly asked.

- If I loose... I'll stay here, forever... -I paused and looked at the box again, I sighed- and I'll let you sew buttons in my eyes.

O. Vince: and if you win, somehow?

- then you'll let me go, you'll let everyone go. My real family, those other boys, and everyone you've trapped here.

He looked at me and smirked

O. Vince: Deal -he said as he extended his bony hand towards me, wanting to close the deal with a handshake.

- ... Not without a hint.

He pulled his hand away, looked at me slightly annoyed.

O.Vince: oh, you win -he approached me and positioned himself behind me-in each of the three wonders that I prepared for you, the eye of a ghost lies in plain sight.

- and what about my family? -I turned to look at him.

he just snickered and tapped his eye-button repeatedly with his long, dirty fingernail.

- fine, don't tell me -I turned my back to him and sighed- Deal -I said as I stood up and turned to shake his hand to close the deal.

I was shocked to see that he had disappeared, I was suddenly all alone in that kitchen. I walked towards the sink and sighed again, frustrated.

- Wonders? What does he mean with that?

Until I looked up and saw the huge soccer field from the window.


To be continued...

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