SupaGems AU (Part 2) I'd rather be free.

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Rasta's POV:

I wake up again, I'm still in the cell, and the demantoid is still there watching me. I try to stand up but I get a little dizzy and need to lean against a wall. the guard notices that I am awake and approaches and opens the cell.

Dem. T: good morning sleeping stone -he said laughing as he opened the cell's door- you don't want to be late for your first training as a green diamond soldier.

- He's not my diamond, nobody is. -i told him while walking through the door.

the demantoid slapped me hard, grabbed me, and pulled me close to him.

Dem. T: Show some respect, you damn pebble, Or do you want us to beat you up again? You have no power here, and you have no respect from anyone, you are just an insignificant pebble compared to us, know your place.

I hit him in the face taking advantage of the fact that he was so close and I started running until I lost sight of him, i found My amethyst partners eventually and i stayed there in the crowd, i hate to admit it, but that demantoid was right, i may have been one of the best soldiers in blue diamond's army, but here i'm just some problem gem.

I have to think of a way to continue my plan to set off the rebellion without them realizing it, but how?

The time passed and it was pretty much like the first day, the most we do it's training, My amethyst Friends are still with me in this, the fact that blue diamond just gave us away because we were bothering him was enough for them. We reunited in an isolated place to discuss how will we take the next step and did everything we could to communicate with the other amethyst, even some of green diamond's gems wanted to join.

As for me, i still questioned and challenged those demantoids and green diamond himself sometimes, but these times, it didnt end well for me.

Dem VE: seriously, why do you keep doing this to yourself? -he looked at me while i was on the floor, with a simpathetic look in his face.

- i dont... want your pity -i said, still on the floor and struggling to get up again.

Dem. U: im done with you! -he started kicking me and punching me so many times i lost count- this is just how things are! Know your place! Youre nothing here!

He continued for a while, hitting me and insulting me, I stopped paying attention to him because I was very focused on not fainting again. They left me there again and one of them was watching over me.


My partners informed me that there will be a special ball and that it will take time to be prepared, we saw that as the perfect opportunity, but they would not let me attend with my "behavioral problems" so I had to make a desicion, i had to pretend that they actually made me change, i had to act like an obedient soldier and be convincing enough to make them fall for it. And thats what i did, i acted like one of them, i obeyed without hesitation, i only talked if someone told me to. It was hard doing it but i knew i had to, while my colleages and i were secretly training, i also had to pretend that they actually broke my will and turned me into a mindless being who only obeys orders.

The ball was slowly getting finished and i over heard some conversations about me, saying that they'll also use the ball to announce in front of everyone how they "corrected" me, the perfect time to surprise them.

Eventually the time came and we were forming for the ball.

Dem. U: ha ha! I knew it! I knew you'll come around eventually. -he said hitting my back in a "friendly" way- now you can be a good soldier!

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