Sneak Peek

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A click. A single click on the wrong file sends Bakugou down the rabbit hole. While looking for a slideshow for class, instead, Bakugou finds something way more explicit in Todoroki's cloud.


Bakugou scrolled through the folder in irritation. Nothing indicated that he was even in the right folder, though!

"Fuck you, IcyHot," he grumbled. He didn't know what had possessed him to agree to do this group project with both him. It was a disaster. Even Deku would have been a better partner! Todoroki had offered to get started on the presentation slides while Bakugou was busy with Mic's homework. And the bastard had allegedly uploaded them into the cloud folder. He'd sent the link and everything but Bakugou was aimlessly poking around in the folder and couldn't find a thing.

The main problem was that all of the files were named garbage! "sldkfj2" and "lsksadklh4" and so on. Who the hell thought that was a good naming system? Apparently, Todoroki did because every name seemed like a keysmash to Bakugou.

Bakugou gritted his teeth and sorted the files by size. He rationalised that the biggest one must be the presentation, the rest being random notes or whatever. He really didn't have the patience to open each one of them.

He clicked on the file and to his surprise, it was a video.

"What a loser," he mumbled as he watched Todoroki's get the camera in focus, shuffling around and setting everything up. All he could see were bits and pieces - his room, Todoroki's hands, a grey eye coming close to inspect the lense.

"Is this an audition on receiving the #1 dumbass awards?" Bakugou snickered as he watched on, ready to click away and continue the search for the slides.

He expected Todoroki to start monologuing, maybe vlogging even. Except the unthinkable happened as Todoroki moved backwards and his naked torso filled up the screen. Bakugou's first thought was that he intended to film himself while he was working out, maybe to improve his form or-

All other thoughts flew out of his head as Bakugou watched, paralysed as his friend tilted the camera down at his lap - very naked, also very pale and... really?! Even his pubes were half n' half - and pull his knees up to his chest. That hid absolutely nothing to the imagination. Pretty cock already half-hard, probably from the excitement of filming, as Todoroki kept caressing himself, lightly stroking his dick, his balls, fingers wandering lower and lower.

Bakugou knew he should close the video but he wasn't able to move. He watched on, his mouth drying out completely as Todoroki teased his fingers around his hole, anticipation making his flushed chest rise and fall rapidly.

When he pushed the first one in, Bakugou gasped. He had never ever dreamed of watching anything like this. Ever.

(Well, maybe sometimes... but you can't control your unconscious mind, can you?)

Todoroki's movements were shy but soon he got more and more comfortable with his body: grabbing the back of his thigh, spreading his ass more as he pushed another finger inside.

... as Bakugou watched with his hands fisting in his pants on his thighs. This was... wrong on so many levels! He should stop, click away, close the window, throw his laptop out from his room.

Except, he couldn't. Mesmerised, he watched on as Todoroki kept playing with himself, tugging at his balls, then his hand going to play with dick, thumb swirling around the head rhythmically, while his other hand was pumping three fingers inside himself.

Oh, Bakugou wished it could be his dick stretching that pretty hole out. He would make him feel so good. He could really make him moan loudly and... wait a minute. Was the video on mute?

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