Way To Solve An Argument

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“Fuck, you look so good with your mouth busy.”


Todoroki stormed inside the flat ripping his coat off when not even half of his body was inside. A loud slam behind him didn’t even make him flinch. He kicked his shoes off and let them lie in disarray at the genkan. Although he did flinch when something or rather someone smacked him on the head with a motorcycle helmet.


“Sorry, maybe if you were faster you would dodge that.”

Todoroki rolled his eyes but ignored the jab.

He moved inside the flat but again someone pushed him to squeeze by in the narrow corridor. Shōto gritted his teeth and quickly caught the hand of his disturber jerking him and pinning him to the wall.

“Oh, so you can be fast when you want?” Bakugou snarled at him.

“Stop acting like a child! And shut your mouth for once! It gave us enough trouble for today, huh?”

Red eyes sparked with unreleased anger and in a blink the roles changed and Todoroki hit the wall with a disturbing thud, Katsuki holding him by the fabric of his turtleneck.

“So did your poor reaction-skills, Half-ass.”

Todoroki pursed his lips feeling his left side heating up. He pushed Bakugou with both of his hands, the force of the push taking the blonde by surprise and his back once again hit the wall. In the narrow space of the corridor, it took only one step for Shōto to close the distance between them, grab Katsuki’s chin with his hot hand and shut him up with a forceful kiss, biting his lips, tongue forcing its way inside the foul mouth without asking permission. Katsuki tried to say something but Shōto just held his jaw tighter, no doubt painfully.

Todoroki felt rough hands at his back and as if by command jumped up and wrapped his legs around Bakugou’s torso as palms of big hands grabbed his ass up. Katsuki used the pause for maneuver to change the kiss dynamic, attacking Shōto’s mouth now, making his neck crank at an uncomfortable angle. But as his hands were occupied Todoroki got the upper hand and tugged Bakugou’s hair back, making him tilt his head.

“Careful, or I’ll drop your ass,” Bakugou growled.

“No, you won’t,” Todoroki smirked before ducking for his ear, biting the lobe and licking the shell.

That finally started Bakugou into action as he carried them both to the bedroom. He threw Shōto on the bed and stood before him, making a show of tugging his t-shirt off, flexing the muscles. Scratches and bondages stood out on the toned skin. Todoroki almost felt bad for not being more gentle but both weren’t capable of tenderness right now. He also took his turtleneck off, bowing off the bed in the most obscene way he could manage, earning a whistle from Katsuki who was on him the second the cloth was off, making sure to rock their hard-ons together.

“No quirks.”


More bruising kisses followed. Todoroki felt his lip bleeding from the inside and hissed but Bakugou just began to lick it up more eagerly. It was hard not to pant from the intensity so Shōto gave that up. Katsuki mercifully gave him a break by turning his attention to his neck, biting the conjuncture of his jaw and neck, sucking on the collarbone. Todoroki remembered what that was all about and pushed him down with force, leaving no doubts as to what Katsuki had to do. Bakugou bit a bruise on his rib in return but obeyed and slipped to the floor between Shōto’s legs. His hands fumbled with the zipper of Todoroki’s jeans as his mouth covered the rough fabric on the crotch. When the first barrier was off, the blonde took his sweet time mouthing Shōto through his boxers. A hundred ways to quicken him up roared in the two-toned head but Shōto knew that if he said something the torture would just go on for longer. Finally, all clothes were off and Shōto was left bare.

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