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"okay, so you can come with us now, wouldn't want to leave you out to the vultures on the play ground." i laughed at his joke, causing him to light up. we walked over to the field and the first thing i noticed was that no one had bags with them.

"who's this?" one of the girls asked. she had long blonde hair and a stick thin figure.

"this is tegan." romeo said, sitting down next to her on the grass.

"uh huh." she looked me up and down and then away.

"did romeo not tell you?" another girl appeared, smiling.

"not tell me what?"

"about the lockers, show me your schedule." i handed her the folded up piece of paper and allowed her to scan it over. "oh, m18, right near mine. come on, i'll take you."

i nodded and said goodbye to the group. we walked back over to the main block and up the stairs to the maths floor. she led me to the locker and opened it. i was told that i would need to buy a lock but it should be fine for now.

"okay. hey, this is right by the classroom i was just in." i gathered some pens and my phone so i would have things for my next two classes; english and drama.

"really, and romeo didn't tell you?" she scoffed. "anyway, break lasts for another ten minutes, do you want to go back to the group, or we can go literally any where else."

"can we go to the bathroom?" she nodded and led me to the year ten bathrooms. i checked out my appearance in the mirror and sighed. there was a hole in my tights and my shirt had become creased and ruffled. i straightened out the shirt and pulled my tights up.

"can i have your snapchat, that way you'll have a friend to ask any questions for tomorrow."

i nodded and gave her the name, 'teganhends'. she added me and i immediately added her back. she offered to show me to my next class, because she wasn't in it and felt bad for taking me away from the group. we made our way to the english classroom and stood outside for around five minutes, just talking. i found out she had a twin sister, and their names rhymed; abigail and gabrielle. she preferred being called gabby and her sister loved the full name. they both went to lincoln, but were in separate friendship groups.

then, the bell went for third period. she said goodbye and walked to her next class, science. i walked into the classroom and asked for a seat. the teacher put me at the back of the class on one of the only two people tables. i put my name on the book and started watching as people walked in. i noticed that the same blonde girl from outside belined towards me.

"you are in my seat." i shrugged and explained the situation. she rolled her eyes and went to ask me to move again before romeo walked over and sat next to me. the teacher told her to sit down so she scoffed and sat next to a boy i didn't recognise.

"she probably sat you here because i'm the only person from our tutor group in this class."

"oh, cool. and who is that? she's seems to have something against me." i asked.

"that's jasmine, her parents are james and jessica olsen, so she thinks she has some sort of special connection with me. everyone says how obsessed she is with me, how she's practically in love with me. that's why when i walked over she basically killed you with her eyes."

i brushed past the 'connection' part as i was pretty sure he didn't want to talk about his famous parents. i didn't realise at first, but then palmer passed a comment and i made the connection. however, i decided to not bring it up because i was sure he didn't want to talk about it. anyways, we got on with the work that mr dolph had set us.

"i just don't understand why we need to annotate the crap out of a few pages in a book." i commented, rolling me eyes. he laughed and agreed.

"just do it, that's what i've learned." i giggled at his comment and highlighted what i deemed an interesting quote. we finished the pages we had to do and noticed the teacher wasn't paying attention, so we decided to just carry on talking. i got out my phone and saw i had a few messages.


how's everything going? xx


you'll need to get the train back, sent you some money x


sis did you see who we are going to school with


i miss you xxx

i replied to them all and noticed romeo looking at my phone.


"can i have your number?" i smiled and opened up the contacts app on my phone. i watched as he typed the number into his phone and admired his hands, weird thing to do, i know. i quickly received a message from an unknown number saying 'hiya cutie'. i smiled at him and turned off my phone. after around ten minutes, we were given another task, but we had to do it in silence, so we didn't talk for the rest of the lesson. romeo had pe next and i had drama. he had offered to walk me to my next class, because the buildings were next to each other.

as we walked, i noticed in the corner of my eye, that jasmine was running up to us with a group of her friends. whilst she interrupted our conversation, i felt a pair of hands steer me in the other direction. then i found myself surrounded by a group of girls, all giving me death stares.

"listen, megan-"


"whatever, i could literally not care less. anyway, jasmine and romeo sort of have this thing, and she feels like you're getting in the way of that." the same girl said. i noticed she was very familiar but i couldn't put my finger on it.

"how? i just got here, plus, i'm running late for my lesson and i don't know where i'm going, so are you done?" i sighed, looking at the time on my phone. they rolled their eyes but eventually let me go. i managed to use the signs to find my way to the arts building.

i didn't see romeo for the rest of the day, i ate lunch with gabby on the playground. when i was leaving the main building after my meeting with the head teachers, i saw him waiting by the drop off zone. i was meeting my siblings there but i noticed they weren't here yet, so i walked over to him.

"hey, how long have you been waiting?" i asked.

"only a few minutes, i stayed behind to try out for the tennis team. my mum should be here soon." i nodded and looked out to the road. i wasn't really sure what to say. "so, how was your first day at lincoln?"

"it was great, everyone seems so nice. well, almost everyone." i sighed, remembering what happened earlier.

"jasmine? i saw her friends talking to you earlier. were they alright?" i smiled and nodded. then i saw a black rang rover pull up, with a very angry looking victoria beckham sat in the front.

"oh no, is she alright?" i asked. he just chuckled. as he stood up and went to open the door, he smiled.

"it's just london traffic, gets to her every time."

𝖙𝖗𝖆𝖉𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖇𝖑𝖔𝖜𝖘 ~ 𝖗𝖔𝖒𝖊𝖔 𝖇𝖊𝖈𝖐𝖍𝖆𝖒Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz