t h r e e

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i ran straight up the stairs and into my bedroom, making sure to shut the door behind me. before jumping onto my bed, i kicked off my shoes and put my bag down. then, i rolled over and pulled my phone over and noticed the message from romeo.


hey we have to do a project for english, shall i sign you up for my partner?

sure, how do you know ab this so early?

my mum's pta


sry that sounded sarcastic.

it's cool, you down to ft?

before i had a chance to type a reply, i had an incoming call. that's when i noticed how awful i looked from the school. i didn't want to be rude so i answered the call but threw my phone onto my bed.

"tegan?" his voice echoed around my room. there wasn't a lot of furniture in there yet, just a bed and some scattered boxes.

"sorry, i'm just changing!" i put my uniform in a laundry bag that was hanging on my door and slipped into a yellow champion sweater and some grey, cotton shorts. i quickly put my hair into a messy bun and allowed myself to appear back into view. i rested my phone against my head board and sat back down on the bed, crossing my legs.

"that's better, hey."

"hi. what's up?" i asked, admiring the features of his face. he wasn't looking directly at the screen, more at something behind it. "nothing, was just bored so i wanted to talk. is that your bedroom?"

"yeah, it's a new house though so there's nothing in it. i don't know how i'm going to decorate it, i just have my parents old bed in here at the moment."

"show me around, maybe i can help." i chuckled and agreed, picking up my phone and getting off the bed. i left the room and then re-opened the door, giving him a full view of the empty bedroom. i walked directly to the window area, which i was planning on adding a sofa chair to. then i walked back a bit and showed him a quick view of the bathroom, ashamed of how messy it was. then i showed him the rest of the very open, very white room. my parents old bed was shoved in the corner and then there was plenty of space, accompanied by a stacks of boxes.

then i sat back on my bed and propped my phone against my pillows. romeo was now looking at me. "so, what's the english project on?"

"we have to summarise macbeth, but it's supposed to be unique. i was thinking we could make a book of key events but make it interactive."

"that's a good idea." i replied. we stayed on facetime until my mum called me for my dinner. "got to go, i'll speak to you tomorrow!" i said, before allowing him to say goodbye and end the call. then, i made my way downstairs and sat next to my sister at the kitchen aisle. my younger brother was sat beside her.

"what are we having tonight?" my dad asked, as he walked into the kitchen.

"i still can't figure out how to work that stupid oven, so i ordered pizza." my mother sighed, handing us each a plate with pizza slices on.

"oh. i miss your cooking." my dad jumped onto the side and started to eat. as we ate, my mother asked each of us about our day. although my parents met at work, my mum no longer had a job. when she fell pregnant with my little brother, i was seven. she hated sending us to daycare and so she decided to quit her job. dad still worked as a pilot, and today he was telling us about how he flew to france today.

"did you get me anything?" lilia and my mum asked at the same time. lilia is my sister, she's in year nine and is the most annoying girl you will ever meet. he chuckled at them and nodded.

"yes, but you won't get anything until later. now, i wanna hear about tegan. was that a boy i heard coming from your room?"

"it's just a boy in my english, we were talking about the homework."

"what's his name?" my mum pursued.


"oh. my. god. guess who i met today?" my sister cut me off, and as usual, my parents said nothing.

"who, sweetie?" my mother asked.

"cruz beckham! yeah, he's in a bunch of my lessons and he specifically spoke to me, and he asked for my snapchat and apparently he broke up with his girlfriend this summer so he's dead vunerbale." i rolled my eyes and her. i had finished my pizza by now so i put my plate in the sink and walked out.

when i got back to my room, i noticed i had a few texts from romeo. i sighed, jumped on my bed, and unlocked my phone.


my brother was talking about your sister today

i think so anyway

fit new girl that moved here from australia who has a sister in my year

oh, fun. she'll be pleased.


he said he's gonna ask her to meet him this weekend

mk but warn me before hand so i can prepare for her to run in ranting


will do

i shut off my phone and placed it next to me. i was tired; for some reason, my mum had decided to send us straight back to school, instead of giving us some time to get back into an english time-zone. somehow, fell asleep. and i slept through until about two a.m. when i woke back up, i was pissed. this meant that i wouldn't be sleeping until after school. it was about one p.m back in australia, which meant that my friends would be in school. and, i didn't really know many people out here, apart from romeo. i decided to message him, on the off chance that he might be awake; he was.

instead of allowing me time to reply, i had a call come through. romeo's face popped up with a 'surfer dude' hand and his tongue sticking out. when i added his number to my phone, he posed for a contact photo, and did that stupid look. 

"hey." i said, groggily. i was lay on my side, and my phone was rested on my ear, with me barely holding it up. and then we literally spoke for hours. i meant by the time the call ended, the sun was coming up.  

𝖙𝖗𝖆𝖉𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖇𝖑𝖔𝖜𝖘 ~ 𝖗𝖔𝖒𝖊𝖔 𝖇𝖊𝖈𝖐𝖍𝖆𝖒Where stories live. Discover now