f i v e

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romeo and i were walking towards the main building, to get our pe clothes. he hadn't spoken to me and i hadn't bothered forcing conversation. whatever stick was up his ass, i wasn't in the mood for it. when we got to the building he got his bag and i walked to get mine. whilst i was shutting my locker, he walked over to me.

"hi, you ready?" i asked, slinging the sports bag over my shoulder.

"mhm." romeo muttered in response. i rolled my eyes, and sighed incredibly loud. 

"okay, is there some kind of problem?"

"you tell me, why were you telling kids in maths yesterday that i was coming onto you? because i was just being friendly, okay?" i scoffed at him and raised my eyebrows.

"i didn't- who told you that?"

"jasmine told palmer who told me during science." he replied. i rolled my eyes at him and was genuinely shocked.

"well one, i didn't say that, i don't think that. and two, even if i did say that, treating me with disrespect is not the way to handle that." his tense face softened slightly, and he looked at the ground. i rolled my eyes once more and brushed past him.

"where are you going?" he called after me.

"i'll find the pe room on my own!" i called back.

with my gym bag still sling over my shoulder, i skipped down the stairs and pushed out of the doors, and walked to the performing arts block. there was some toilets in there that weren't really used so i walked in and sat on the counter. thankfully, my phone was in my pocket with almost full charge, so i occupied myself on there for a while. i hadn't even noticed how long i was in there until the bell went, snapping me out of my trance. i put my phone away and walked to my next lesson.

through the next lesson, no one asked why i wasn't marked in for the last lesson. and in maths, i didn't speak to anyone. i noticed jasmine was making snide comments about me, but i just ignored them. by lunch, i had almost forgotten about my little fight with romeo, until i was reminded of it by seeing his face approach me outside me classroom.

"what's up?" i asked, dryly. his face was soft and he was playing with his hands.

"i'm sorry about earlier, i should've know not to believe what jasmine says. she's a shit stirrer." i pursed my lips before smiling and nodding my head.

"i thoroughly agree."

"where were you in pe?" romeo was now looking me in the eyes.

"i was pissed off so i didn't go. trust me, it's better for me to calm down than freak out on you." i replied. he laughed and started to walk down the hall. he gestured for me to follow, so i did.

i then remembered that i didn't have any lunch or money to buy some from the cafeteria. i said to romeo that i needed to go steal money from my sister. he said he would come with, he needed to speak to his brother anyway. we walked over to the area where year nines sat. just as i had predicted, she was sat with cruz.

"lilia." she looked up at raised her eyebrows when she saw me. i gestured for her to come over, and romeo went to his brother. "can i have a fiver?"

she rolled her eyes and then took one of the five pound notes out of her phone case. after she handed it to, me to ask why i needed it.

"i don't have any lunch. and i wanna buy lunch." she laughed at me.

"there's not point, by the time you added money to your account and get to the front of the line, lunch will be over."

i sighed and realised she was right. i places the fiver back into her open hand, and stood waiting for romeo. after a few minutes, he rejoined me and we walked back to our area. i asked what he needed cruz for, and he told me that his mother wanted to ask him something but he wasn't answering his phone. i decided not to ask what that thing was, as i didn't want to seem nosy. when we arrived at our group, jasmine had a sour look on her face, and i just smiled. she rolled her eyes at me.

i sat next to alex and gabby. alex was rush finishing his english homework, and gabby was trying to help him; he only stressed more. i looked over at his homework to see what it was. all he had to do was write a paragraph about each quote.

"alex, i can help, i already answered half of those in class." he looked up at me and then showed me then sheet. for the rest of lunch, i helped him with the homework and then we talked about his party. he was surprised about the fact his parents allowed him to have another one after the disaster his last party was. everything got trashed. "if you want, i can stay behind and help clean up."

"that'd be really great, but i don't want to put you out of you way." before i had a chance to reply, the bell rang and i got up to walk to english. romeo joined me and we walked in together. for the last two lessons, nothing interesting happened. in history, i was placed next to louis. him and i just talked about alex's party. louis was going early to help him

"what are you going to wear?" he asked me.

"um, i'm not sure. i don't have time to go shopping. i'll probably have to find something in my wardrobe."

"yeah, you just moved here right? how far from school do you live?"

"about twenty minutes on the train, forty minutes in the car, minus the traffic." i laughed. he went to answer me but the bell rang, signalling the end of the day. we stood up and collected our things.

louis walked with me to the front of school, and then to the closest tube station. as i went to go down the stairs, he stopped me. then, he explained that he actually lived walking distance from the school, but he was just enjoying my company. i giggled, and allowed him to wrap his arms around my shoulders. he smelled really, really good. the hug lasted a little longer than normal, and became more and more intimate. when we pulled out, i said goodbye and entered the tube station, with a smile plastered across my face.

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