Chapter 6

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*one week scince they left*

pov Scarlet

It has been one week scince they left and i am sick of sitting in my room feeling sorry for myself that they are gone. So i texted my friend Lillie "hey lillie want to go to the mall around 12" she replied "yass haven't seen you in forever". She wasent in any of my classes so we didnt really hang out that much but i like her so why not . It was 11 so i started to get ready when i took a shower and got dressed and brushed my hair and teeth it was about 1145 so i grabed my purple iphone 5 and left.When i got to her house she got in the car and we went to the mall.When we got there first we went to areo we got a few t shirts and jeans and a few bennies. Then we went to holister and got some stuff there. Then we got some pizza. We got smoothies then left. I asked her she wanted to spend the night and she wanted to.So being who we are we built a fort and watch netflix and vines.When we woke up she had to go because her relitaves were coming over.So when she left i cleaned up then took a shower.So for the rest of the day i just sat in my house watching youtube videos.One of my favorites is o2l.Then i changed in my pjs and fell asleep.

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