Chapter 22

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        Pov Sammi

        I got my bathing suit on along with everyone else then put my clothes over it and got ready for 6 flags.

        We got in the car and it was so fun. We turned the music up and blasted  it. We sang and screamed the songs. I sat next to taylor in the way back. We put the third row up so we could sit and al be comfortable. Then in the middle row Scarlet and Nash sat and the front seats went to Sophie and Matt since it was Sophies car. I am so glad I am short and tiny because I had no problem fitting back there but Taylor kinda did. It was funny watching him struggle to get comfortable.

        We got there and we went on some dry ries and it was so fun. Later when the wet rides opened we went on them. We did the toilet bowl which is like my favorite and I went with Taylor of course and I sat right next to him and he put his arm around me and it was so funny watchng his hair get wet and fall into his face.

        Then we went on some other ride including the race slides and Matt won. He thought he was so awesome he yelled,"thats right guys I am awesome." I am pretty sure everyone heard him too. 

        Later when the day was almost over we played games and Scarlet an I got stuff animals. She got a purple minkey Nash won her and Taylor got me a purple dolphin.

        When the day was done we went and got pizza at al little pizza place down the street called Pizza Boys. I really liked the pizza but they didn't have baja blast like we normally drink with our pizza.

        We went home and changed because we were soaking wet and I am suprised that Sophie didn't freak out with her car seats getting wet. 

        On the car ride home I fell asleep in Taylors arms and I didn't wake up or start crying or anything. For once I actually thought I had some real sleep.

        We watched a movie and after the first one I wanted to go to bed in my room but Taylor wouldn't let me. I think after the ride and me not freaking out he wanted me with him. I am pretty sure he realized that he makes me comfortable and kept me from freaking out.

        I fell alseep in Taylors arms and I didn't wake up once the entire night. I slept with pleasure too because normally when I do sleep through the nigt I have a nightmare but nothing hapened. I was perfectly fine

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