Chapter 14

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Pov Sophie

        So I went to check on the condo before picking up Scarlet and Sammi because the painting was suppose to be done.

        Matt and I walked in and every room was painted except for Sammi's. I was so mad. That means we have to crash at Matts house or something because all our stuff is in the condo it just needs to be unpacked.

        We picked up Taylor on the way because I wanted them to meet him too. So on the way the traffic was terrible I wanted to scream out the window," REALLY BRUH WHAT THE FUCK!!!" but I didn't I kept my anger to myself.

        We finally got to the airport and Scarlet was already there. Sammi's flight was running a bit late. When her flight landed we looked for her. She thought it would be funny to scared me or something. She ran up to me jumped onto my back and yelled,"WHERE IS SAMMI I CAN'T FIND HER??????"

        I laughed and we headed out to the car. We put their stuff in the back and tried to figure out where we were going to stay. My mom said it was okay if we stayed in my bedroom at my parents house so we decided on that.

        We all went to my parents house and we all went upstairs. We hung out watched netflix and went on our phones. It was like good old times except we have 2 new friends Matt and Taylor. I could already see in Sammis eyes she liked Taylor. Those two hung out alot.

        After about 2 hours at my house we decided to got to Matts. That is when I decided to tell them we are dating. I am not even sure Taylor knows.

        So when we got there we went up to Matts room and we hung out Taylor and Matt played video games then I told them. Everyone was so happy for us. Taylor smiled and said first this now I have a new best friend to wear bandanas with SAMMI.

        We all decided to go to the condo to check it out and Sammi's room was almost done. I thought that let her sleep in the living room for the night because it will only take a night for it to dry. I asked everyone if that was okay and we all argeed it was okay.

        Matt said he had to go home though because his friend Nash would be at his house soon. He said after he gets here he would come back with him. And hey maybe Scarlet will have a new friend too.

        We all started to unpack our stuff except for Sammi because she can't. So Sammi helped us unpack.

        We got the kitchen, my room, Scarlets room. the living room, my bathroom, Sammi's bathroom, Scarlets bathroom, and the pool room.

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