Part 1

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~~~~~hey ! first thing ive ever written..please comment any constructive criticism or anything really :) enjoy ! ~~~~


Chapter 1


Family holidays.

What can I say?

I hate them.

Probably because I come from such a big family and we always seem to fight.

I'm 1 of 5 kids.

So SOMEONE is always fighting .

Dad loves to get away though. Probably from work. So we all get forced to go.

This year we're going upto this shabby house next to a lake.

WAYyy to ruin my summer plans , dad.

Anyways.. This is my story.

Of course it's about a boy.

All cliche stories are about a boy.

But mine is different.


We ate dinner as a family .

We were away again on a family holiday but this time

This time it was different

A boy and his father joined us .

Dad met James' father while watching me play netball.

They get along pretty well.

James and I?

Well... We don't:

Don't ask me why..he just annoys me.

I'm guessin it's the fact that he's good looking and he knows it.

But anyways..back to the story.

Its funny actually.

I've known James for 3 weeks now

He joined our mix netball team and no one knew him.

I remember first meeting him

- he walked in and he almost took my breath away

(That means he was good looking!)

I wasn't expecting someone quite as nice looking as him.

He was tall, lanky almost ,but you could tell he had muscles.

He had orange/light brown ruffled hair

( Tash-my younger sister- keeps telling me it's brown but I reckon is ginger orange;)

and his eyes.

his beautiful chocolate eyes,

they almost had a tinge of gold in it!

And did I mention his smile?

What a smile!

He had the nicest smile, it just looks cheeky.

But I haven't come to the best par

t --his laugh! Ohmigod, his laugh is so breathily and just

..its hard to describe.his laugh is the type of laugh that just makes you smile and he looks 5 years young!

anyways, getting off topic.

I realised he was a jerk after talking to him a couple of times.

-- After dinner Dad gave the cleaning chores to Tash and I


We decided we wouldn't do the dishes until everyone had gone to bed because we wanted to join in on all the fun ( we were playin board games )

we had a fun time,

was a bit awkward at one moment when James moved his car monopoly piece and went to put his hand back on his leg but accidently put it on mine

Accident or not though? Hmm...

the game soon finished up after that though so once everyone went to bed tash and I sluggishly collected the plates and started washing up.

It was past 11:00pm so we were a bit weird and making a bit of noise trying to clean up

eg. throwing water at each other and just giggling about the night.

Every so often though we could hear James stir and we'd freeze,

wait ,

then go back to cleaning ,

trying our hardest not to be loud.

Well wasn that a fail!

My 14 year old sister legitemently can't be quiet.

Shame. Because I had to through 4 dishcloths at her to get her to be quiet.

We finished up quickly though and went to bed at around 12pm

I couldn't sleep for ages though

James' hand doesn't my leg kept coming into my head.

And no matter how hard I tried

I dreamt about James and his smile that night .







Lame or WHAT?! Don't judge, k?

Add to your libraries though, my babe'ns because it WILL get better!

I think.

I hope.

Idk what's going on with this story.

Comment, vote, fan etc etc.

you know the drill!!

~~~ peace out homies

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