Chapter 5

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Part 5


I fall straight into his arms

. I knock him off his feet and we both fall

. I'm on top of him and my hands are on his chest and his arms are around my waist

. We first look at each other in shock then realising what just happened we both burst into laughter

I roll off of him and we stay next to each other for a bit just laughing

. Then I notice something .

' Oh. Hey, it DOES look like a chicken! '

James at first is a bit confused but then realises I'm pointing to the clouds

," see, I told looks nothing like me!' ,

" well, you kind of have the same beak ",

and I start making a hand motion around my nose to show that they have the same nose/beak

. James just drops his mouth in an angry expression

I lean up on one shoulder and looking at him i poke his cheek and he takes a bite at it.

" Great, you're not going to be a baby about it now are you?"

He pokes out his tongue and suddenly leans up on one shoulder

shocked at how quickly he leant up I pull back

he quickly grabs my arms and pulls me close to him,

very close actually,

so close that our noses are almost touching each other.

I search his eyes for some sort of explanation

but they just look..

like James..

He was up to something,

' James, what are you up to?'

I can see he's tryin not to smile and his lips are twitching,

I narrow my eyes in suspicion

," you're up to something aren't you ?"

I go to poke his cheek

 at that moment he quickly grabs my hand and pokes me in the stomach.

Shocked at first I didn't scream .

My mouth was in a shape of an 'O'

which put a big goofy smile across his face.

Realising what his intentions were I start to slowly move away with one hand over my stomach and another one outstretched

" James , don't you dare."

His evil grin quickly dissolves and turns into this , innocent , wide-eyed face.

" What. I'm not doing anything ".

All the while I notice his hands comin closer to me

. I quickly stand up and pretend to stomp on his hands,

but he quickly pulls it back and stands up with outstretched arms

' ah come on (y/n) don't be like that..I just want a hug'

. He starts to walk towards me as if all he wants is a hug.


Standing up straight I click my fingers

," mhmm boy I ain't falling for that " ,

and with that he drops his arms,

looks down,

and through his beautiful chocolate eyes that make my heart flutter he murmurs

' oh it's on, it's on like donkey kong!'.

He soon lunges at me.

I dodge it and with a squeal I was off.

Turning quickly to see if he is following I nearly trip over a root

, so it slowed me down a bit and James manages to like pinch my arm ( he was trying to grab it )

which scared me even more so I sprint off

duck under some trees and turn corners sharply but I can feel him behind me

" you might as well give up cuz you know I'm gonna get you" .

I'm a fair bit in front now

I can't see him anymore,

can't feel his feet hitting the earth.

I smile to myself

* I think I've lost him*

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