Part 2

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Part 2





I couldn't sleep for ages though

James' hand doesn't my leg kept coming into my head.

And no matter how hard I tried

I dreamt about James and his smile that night .




Waking up I felt super stiff.

Ow ow howwww on earth can beds be so uncomfortable?!

I slowly get up and make my way towards the kitchen.


Where is everyone?

I look up at the clock.

Oh. Ha. It's 10:30am.

Guess I slept a littttttle longer than I intended.

Oh well. House to myself !

I do a little jiggly chicken dance ( I know..I'm weird )

But guess who decided to walk in at that moment?

That's right.

Big jerk James.

I'm hearing this chuckling going on behind me and I immediately stop.

I turn around sharply to see James leaning against one of the hallways doors.

I put my hands on my hips.

" what are YOU doing here?! "

' I came on the holiday with you, silly. I was INVITED '

" I know THAT. I meant what are you doing just laughin at me?! I thought everyone was gone?"

' you're funny to watch. I'm allowed to laugh. '

I roll my eyes

" whatever. Where is everyone?"

'Oh they're here. We're going to the park in about an hour so everyone is getting ready. They wanted me to come tell you '

"Right. "

I spin sharply on my heels and walk towards the kitchen pantry to find me some cereal

' but you weren't in your room so I came down here '


That caught my attention.

" did you go into my room!?"

I point my index finger at him accusingly.

James raises his hands

' what? No! Your room door was open. I didn't go in.'

" fine fine. Whatever. I'm gonna have breakfast now.....ALONE"

'Okay okay. Just be ready in an hour!'

James starts to walk up the stairs

" yes fathherrrrr"

I sarcastically reply.

Once he's out of sight I go back into the pantry and take out my favorite cereal ; nutri-grain.

Crunch crunch crunch. Goes my cereal. Mmmmm. Yummy. Yes, this is what goes through my mind when Im eating cereal.

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