Chapter 5- The Blood, Splatters And Paddles Why Best Friends Are Needed

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  • Dedicated to Ellie Davey

My mum there laying cold on the floor with steve and a knuckle full of blood I screamed at him to ring an ambulance but he refused I ran into the study and Dialed 999   They came almost immediatly as soon as I arrived back into the room steve had gone aswell as my mums body.

I SCREAMED MOM! MOM! And just led on the front porch crying and screaming unaware Harriet was there filming me. I'd given up The police arrived and i Explained everything they asked me if there was anyone i stayed with so I asked if they would take me to Hartleys so They agreed and promised to keep in touch.

As    I arrived at Harlteys she Persuaded her parents to let me stay becuase of the circumstances. She asked me to explain things to her so I might aswell tell you the full story.

My mom and steven were argueing over Steve's sister (Steve hated her because she kept the child she had when she was 17 and apperntly ruined his teenage hood compelte shit to me but.) and My mom invited her over. After she kept "Nagging" him He went outside got his shovel and smacked it across her face and contiuously punched her as I heared the bang I ran downstaries and dialed 999 asking for Police and Ambulance and as i went back into the room She was gone, Steve was gone there was a trail of blood which led to the back of the house and out onto the poppy fields.

The police arrived asking me for questions and so fourth and then asked me if there was anyone I wanted to speak to whilst I was in the traumatic stage I was and I Said Harltey.

See that girl is Amazing she's like my Twin she had Cancer has a girl and no matter what we stood by each other she had some amazing HartleyTales as She Called Them. There was one all about fairies one all about witches and warlocks and how they marry our mothers and prince charming turns us into Princess Froggy's Thats what childhood should be About

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