Chapter 2- Meet Hunter And Hartley

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  • Dedicated to Sarah Rudley

I walk into my form room and I noticed Harriet there laughing at me, I wondered why? Then suddenly she shouts "Everybody Its The Sla**ers Daughter!" And Everyone laughs at me but one boy just sits there looking ashamed, next to him was the only seat in from so I had to sit there. I Sat There and Said Hello. He repeated my words and asked me my name? I Replied Summer, Summer Carter His name was Hunter Madison. As the rest of the day went on I just could not forget his dreamy eyes. As I Sit there eating my lunch my Best Friend. Hartley comes and sits next to me we have a natter about our towns soap drama. WestLoose (This your basic period drama full of drama marriage, and slaps there was simply nothing better to do) This weeks episode seemed to include Danny and Steph having an arguement on who gets to keep there baby, amazed me because Danny got it! Anyway back to the day. We wasted our lunch pratically talking about WestLoose Near to the end Hunter walks past our table and drops a note. It reads Meet Me Outside The Gate Right After School. Should I Go?

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