Finding myself!!!

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After walking in shadows for so long,
I seem to have forgotten how to be me,

Making my way seems to be a task that I find hard to accomplish it.
Seeing the light and the road to walk on and move ahead, I find myself hesitant, unsure and tad bit confused.

I often am caught in dilema,
Caught in whirlwind of emotions,
Doubt, worry, low self esteem, lack of confidence and such, the list goes on..

More time than not I ask myself,
Should I do it?
Can i do it?
Is it alright?
Am I doing it right?
What if it's a wrong decision?

Sometimes I find myself longing to go back in the dark,
Bury myself in the shadows whose familiarity calls to me!

And I fight hard against it, reminding the amount of courage that I pulled from within me just to distance myself from the dark and  find myself and rekindle with me..


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