silly me!!!!

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If I am being perfectly honest
I am not really aware of who I am
Seems silly isn't it!

A grown woman saying she does not know who she is!
But it is what it is...
I've always been told what was expected of me, I ended up fulfilling those expectations.
And now its become such that I await the list setting up expectations off me.

But since i am a grown-up that list seems to have stopped, and I find myself lost.
What should I do?
How should I react?
I stand confused, thinking what to do, how to react, what to expect?

Accepting that no expectations are set for me, is become a little difficult.
I say to myself that is life..

I stand straight, looking around the hustle and bustle around me
Observing and noticing,
Trying and understanding to find my way to me!!!
A journey about me and towards me!!!


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2021 ⏰

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