Chapter Eight

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There was a long pause while they all took in the gravity of what had just happened.

"Now, I'm going to return to Eleos for a few hours," Cora said, breaking the silence. "That should give you all enough time to collect the things you would like to take back with you, and decide upon what you would like to leave here." She turned to face them. "Please remember that you are not saying goodbye to Blackwood. You can return here as much as you like." She placed a comforting hand on Lucy's shoulder as she spoke. "Eleos is your home now, but that doesn't mean that you have to stay there forever."

They all looked at one another, surprised.

"So, we could decide to live here, in Blackwood, if we wanted to?" Riley asked tentatively.

"Of course," Cora replied with a warm smile. "Eleos is not a place to be imprisoned. It is a world you can call home. A place you can return to for comfort and guidance and safety, but you are never forced to stay."

Riley grinned. "Well, once we learn how to make one of those portal things, it'll be a whole lot easier to travel between worlds. Not that I don't love Eleos," he added quickly. "It's just that I'd really miss my computer, you know?"

Lilith rolled her eyes. "Hopeless," she muttered.

Cora, as always, was smiling warmly. "It's alright, Riley. I completely understand. But it will take some time to learn. You see, it's unusual to teach Empaths as young as you how to create portals. It is something that has been reserved, once again, for much older and more experienced Empaths. But, I really do feel that it is time for a change." She winked at Riley, turned and took her grace glass from her pocket, and focused on a spot just past their little group.

A portal began to take shape, revealing Eleos within its window, only this time, it opened into what looked like a room in the castle. "I will return for you all soon. Will four hours be long enough?" she asked, looking back over her shoulder.

"Four hours will be more than enough time," Lucy replied. "Thank you, Cora."

Cora nodded. "I will see you all right back here soon." She smiled and stepped through the portal, and with a blink, it was gone.

"I'm wondering," Riley began with a look of curiosity, "why it is that they weren't able to portal back into Eleos when the gates were locked?"

They all shared a look before Lucy finally answered. "Maybe, when they sealed the gates shut with the power, it created a barrier that they weren't able to portal through either."

Riley thought about it for a moment before nodding. "True. I mean, the place was completely locked down, right? No way in, and no way out."

"Exactly," Lilith replied throwing an arm around Riley's shoulders. "What's more important at this particular moment though, is getting to our houses and picking up the things we need to take back to Eleos with us."

"Indeed," Riley said before he began frantically patting down his pockets. "Crap!" he exclaimed. "I left my car keys in my bag back in Eleos."

"It's alright, Riley," Jared said as he quickly ran up the back stairs of their house. "The keys to my car are inside. I'll take you home. I'll take Rach to her house as well." He carefully lifted a pot next to the back door and pulled out a key.

"I'll take Tristan and Lilith," Lucy added. "That way we'll all have plenty of time to pick up what we need."

"Great, thanks Lucy," Lilith replied.

Jared emerged from the house moments later, holding both his and Lucy's car keys.

"Here," he said, tossing Lucy's keys to her. She barely registered what was happening before the keys slapped her on the shoulder, falling heavily to the ground.

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