chapter two - twittering around

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author's note: I haven't ever actually been to many of Wilbur's streams so this may not be accurate. But feel free to bully me in the comment about it if you want. I need criticism :)

stella's pov

I pull my thick duvet over my head as I remember the events of yesterday. Ever since I hit that guy at Tesco yesterday, I haven't been able to stop thinking about it. It's honestly so embarrassing and I honestly don't think I'll be able to get over it. I tend to dwell on thoughts and memories a little too much.

But also, as embarrassing as it was, it was also kind of nice? My thoughts are all jumbled. Something about that guy just made me feel so... light. And carefree. Like I didn't have to pretend to be someone that I wasn't around him.

My phone chimes, and I pick it up. I soon smile as I see what the notification is. Wilbur is live!

wilbur's pov

"Hi chat!" I say as my stream kicks off. I'm only doing a Geoguessr stream today, but I already have 40k viewers. I smile and start the game.

- time skip - also this part is so bad sorry

After about an hour of playing, I finally rage quit after thinking that America was Dubai. I can't believe I made that stupid mistake.

"Alright, enough of this," I say as I open up Minecraft to play on the dream smp. When the server loads, I'm immediately yelled at by Tommy in the game chat to join vc with him.

"WILBURRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!" Tommy yells at me.

"Hi, Tommy," I say. "what the hell do you want?" Tommy proceeds to scream at me about how Tubbo 'insulted' his large cobblestone towers.

I personally think that they're ugly, but I keep that thought to myself. He leads me to the prime church.

"Oh no," I say, preparing myself for what's coming.

"BOYSSSSSSSSSS!!!!" he yells at his chat. "IT'S PRIME TIME!". His Minecraft character crouches next to the bell as he reads off the subscriber names.

"Chat, did you know that EVERYBODY has a free subscription with prime? So, it would really mean a lot to me if you just checked. The more subscribers I have, the more women will want me," he rambles on.

I smile, thinking about the girl from yesterday. She seemed like such a good soul. She was a little shy at first, which is understandable considering the fact that she literally hit me with her cart. But when she laughed, her face lit up. It was beautiful.

I swear internally as I realize that I never got her number. Or even her name.

"Wilbur?" Tommy says to me in a weird tone of voice.

"Yes, what is it Tommy??" I reply in an exasperating voice. I love Tommy, but that child really tires me out sometimes.

"When did you last speak to a woman?"

"Oh. Ummm, I talked to a girl yesterday at Tesco's. It's actually quite a funny story." I go silent for a few moments thinking about it.

"Can you tell it to my chat, Wilbur? It would make them soooooo happy." Tommy begs.

I agree, but first I end up my stream by reading a few donos, and then raid Tommy's channel.

stella's pov

"So, yesterday at Tesco's, I was just playing my guitar casually, when I was suddenly hit by a shopping cart." Wilbur says to Tommy's chat. "I was going to give the person a piece of my mind, but then I realized that it was a really cute girl."

My face turns tomato red when I realize that Wilbur is talking about me. To thousands of people.

"I'll need more details on what she looks like," Tommy demands.

"Well, she had dark brown hair, and it was medium length and wavy, if I'm recalling correctly? I can't exactly remember - I was too distracted by her deep emerald eyes. She had a really pretty voice as well too, I bet she would be a really good singer." Wilbur says. I blush at his description of me.

I never thought myself to be particularly attractive, but he makes me sound like an angel. I smile happily.

-time skip -

I smile as I open twitter and see:

trending on twitter: #searchfortescogirl

I quickly type out a response:

'Hi, I'm tesco girl I guess? I didn't expect my story to go viral.'

I don't really understand twitter, but I think that's a decent tweet that gets the point across. Maybe? I'm not big on social media. I only downloaded twitter so I could keep up with popular twitch streamers.

My brother is super into gaming and streaming, and last month he made me watch some of the dream smp streams. It's safe to say that I was hooked. I'm a college English major ( I studied abroad in America ), so I appreciate the riveting storyline of the smp.

My phone dings, and I pick it up.

wilbur soot: are you actually the girl from tesco? or is this another catfish

I stare at my phone in surprise for a second. I don't really know what to reply? And according to one of my roommates from college, you aren't supposed to respond right away.

But... I don't really want to listen to her. I really want to talk to Wilbur.

stella hart: haha nope. this is me

I scrolled through my camera roll until I found a photo of me standing on the Golden Gate Bridge. My hair is flowing away from my face in the wind, and my smile is particularly wide in this shot. I send it to Wilbur so he can see proof that it's actually me on the account.

wilbur soot: oh wow, I guess it really is you!

wilbur soot: hey, I was just wondering, would you like to get lunch with me sometime? you seem like a cool person to hang out with :)

stella hart: of course! I'll send you my phone number so we don't have to talk over twitter dms lol

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