chapter four - the mountains

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stella's pov

A few weeks passed. and in that time, Wilbur and I met up a few more times. I was starting to really like him; his laughter was so contagious, and he always had so much to say.

I was really happy - for the most part.

Selma had recently broken up with her girlfriend, and she seemed jealous that I was in a happy relationship. She barely was in our flat anymore, and when she was, she was quite sullen. She came home drunk a lot and sometimes brought rowdy men back with her.

I wasn't too happy with this situation, but there wasn't really anything to do. I had a part-time job as a receptionist, so I wasn't exactly overflowing with spare cash. Selma also used to be a really great friend, and I missed the person she used to be. I didn't want to move out, but I also didn't want to stay in this situation.


"Aren't you glad I made you do this?" Wilbur asked me, staring at the sunrise.

"Am I glad that you spontaneously broke into my house at the crack of dawn and forced me to walk three miles up a mountain?" I sarcastically say back. Wilbur laughs and pulls me into a hug.

But, of course, me being the awkward person I am, I step on a pinecone and trip, ruining the moment. Instead of a romantic hug, I faceplant on the ground.

"Well... that wasn't attractive," I laugh awkwardly.

"Oh, it definitely was," Wilbur smirks, helping me up. He laughs and hugs me again, and miraculously, I don't trip this time.

He takes my hand and leads me further along the mountaintop path.

"I know the perfect place to sit," he says. I blush and follow him. Every moment with him is exciting; I wonder if I'll ever get bored? Probably not...

After walking for a few minutes, we come across a grove of very old looking trees. Wilbur leads me past all of them until we reach a very... interesting tree. It's huge, for one, and it's almost right on the edge of the ridge. There's a seat carved into it, just big enough for people to sit in, and the tree itself has many people's names engraved into it.

"Wow... Wilbur," I say, astonished. "This is... beautiful."

We sit down into the bench and watch the rest of the sunrise. He puts his arm around me, and since I'm tired, I lean into him and close my eyes.

Before I know it, I'm asleep. Kind of embarrassing...


wilburs pov

Stella and I have been sitting in silence for a while, and it's starting to feel a little eerie. At first I thought it was because she was awed by the sunrise, but now I'm not so sure. Did I do something wrong?

"Stella?" I say quietly.

When I don't get a response, I look down at her and realize that she's... asleep?

She looks so angelic sleeping there, and I don't want to disturb her. I feel bad for waking her up so early to do this.


stellas pov

A bird breaks into a lively chorus of song, and I stir awake. At first, I'm a little discombulated.

"Wilbur?" I mumble quietly, realizing that I'm leaning on him.

"Oh good, you're awake," he says, ruffling my hair. I go red. Was I really asleep for that long?

"So, Stella, there's a reason I brought you here. Do you see all of the initials on the tree?".

I nod.

"Umm... I've really enjoyed these past few dates with you, and you're a really great person to hang out with. You are breathtakingly beautiful, and I wouldn't want to spend my time with anyone else. Do you want to be my... girlfriend?" he asks somewhat nervously.

I go silent in shock and turn an even brighter red.

"It's okay... you don't have to say-" he starts to say.

I cut off his words and kiss him. His eyes go wide in shock, but he kisses me back and pulls me into a tight embrace.

I don't know how long we stay there for, but I can guarantee you it was longer than a normal kiss should be :)

After, we take a knife and carve our own initials into the tree.

stella hart


wilbur soot

------- time skip --------

"Which street number do you live on again?" Wilbur asks me.

I reply, and he turns the steering wheel and turns into the parking lot of my apartment complex. Immediately, something feels wrong.

"Uhhh...Stella, are there normally police cars parked here?" he asks me with a concerned voice.

"No-" I start to say. But the anxiety and panic take over me and I can't finish the conversation. What happened here? I start to take shallow breaths. Is Selma okay? Are my neighbors okay? WHAT HAPPENED? The air is slightly smoky, and then I notice the firefighters crowded around one of the buildings. Mine. What-

"Hey, Stella... it's okay..." Wilbur says slowly, noticing my state of panic. I continue staring forward with a blank expression. Is my apartment... okay?


author's note

hi, sorry i havent posted here in a little bit :( . But I'll hopefully post more chapters everyday once I settle into a routine.

maybe . >:)

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