chapter three - lunch date :)

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stella's pov

The week passes pretty quickly, and before I know it, it's Wednesday, and I'm preparing to go to lunch with Wilbur. I'm so INCREDIBLY nervous. Wilbur and I have been talking a lot on discord lately, and we played bedwars together a few times, but this will be our first official... date.

Well, I don't even know if it's a date???? What if he just wants to be my friend? Or what if he just wants to make fun of me?

My thoughts are more jumbled than a plate of slippery cafeteria noodles. What am I supposed to wear? Wilbur said that we are going to grab a coffee and then sit by the beach, so do I dress casually, with a pair of plain leggings and a t-shirt? Or should I be bold and wear a skirt and tights? I have literally have no idea.

But luckily, my roommate Selma has my back.

Selma is everything I want to be. She's Swedish, with long, blond hair, and high cheekbones. She models for several different companies ( who wouldn't want her?? she's gorgeous ) Her fashion sense is quite random, but everything she wears looks good on her. She could wear a trash bag and make it look sexy. You'll also never catch her without makeup on.

I, on the other hand, just have basic straight dark hair. I usually just wear leggings and some sort of sweater ( it can get quite cold here in England ). I usually put on a little bit of makeup, but it's not noticeable. I'm also quite short. Selma towers over me like a giant sequoia tree.

"Tell me, Stella, what type of date is this again?" Selma asks me in a prompt voice.

"Ummmmm... I'm honestly not sure? We're probably just going to go walk on the beach." I reply. Selma seems unsatisfied with my answer and lets out a loud sigh.

"Alright, then. I suppose I might have something for you to wear."


An hour later, after Selma has given me an extensive makeover, I look in the mirror and can't believe how different I look. My normally limp hair has been curled into bouncy waves, and my face has been made over to make it look like it actually has some sort of shape. I have dull red matte lipstick on, mascara and eyeliner. I actually look... pretty for once? My outfit isn't the most fashionable - just black leggings, and an olive sweater, but it actually looks quite chic. I'm wearing tan ankle boots with a little bit of a heel, because, to quote Selma, I look like a 'sixth grader that's been hit with a shrink ray'.

I think I actually might be ready for this date? Maybe...



I check my watch. 1:03pm. Still too early to head into the coffee shop. Selma told that you should never be on time for a date. I'm not sure why, but I'm certainly going to take her advice. I'm not really an expert on all of this relationship stuff.


wilbur's pov

"Wilbur!" a happy voice rings out behind me. I look over my shoulder and smile. It's Stella, and today she somehow looks even more radiant than usual. I stand up, and envelop her in a hug. She seems a little taken aback, but she hugs me back tight.


stella's pov

Oh. My. Goodness.

Wilbur Soot is such a good hugger.

I can't even perfectly describe the feelings that went through my body when he hugged me. A big rush of butterflies went through my stomach, and I got all warm and tingly inside. It felt like my heart was going to burst. His arms feel safe and warm, and he's a lot taller than me, so my head is pressed against his chest :)

"It's nice to see you!" he says, finally letting go of me. I smile at him, and we exchange some small talk whilst waiting in line.

I order a small coffee and a chocolate croissant. We argue for a few minutes about who will pay, but eventually he wins and hands the money to the barista. My stomach is still full of butterflies, though, so I'm not sure how I'll be able to eat.


"So, how's life going for you?" I ask Wilbur.

I kick myself inside when I realize how stupid that question sounds.

"Oh, its been pretty good! I've been loving the weather lately. I just moved from London to Brighton a few months ago, so I'm still getting used to being able to see the sun," he winks at me.

I blush. "It's kind of the opposite for me. I just finished a semester of uni in Florida, so even sunny days here seem cold for me."

He laughs, and then proceeds to ask me a few questions about my semester, which then leads to many random conversations about anything you can think of.

I love talking to Wilbur; he makes everything seem easy. Even when I stutter, or get a little flustered and ask awkward questions, he will just answer and make it seem normal. His smile and laughter are so contagious, and I can't help but laugh along with him.

somehow, his hand ends up in mine, and he grips my hand tight and leads me down the beach. I check my watch. 4:04pm. The sun should be setting soon.


wilbur's pov

"Stella, are you cold at all?" I ask. She's only wearing a thin sweater and appears to be shivering slightly.

"Oh... um. Kind of?" she says this as if she's not allowed to be in discomfort.

"You look like you are. Here, do you want my hoodie?" I ask, withdrawing it from my bag. She smiles at me and puts it on.

I laugh. She looks a bit like my Minecraft character, with black pants and mustard hoodie.

"What are you laughing at?" she asks, worried. I quickly reassure her that its nothing.

I've noticed this about her - she seems a little cautious to trust people, and always seems nervous that she said the wrong thing. I hope I can make her feel more at ease.

"Look, the sun is setting!" she exclaims, looking out at sea. It indeed is - and it's beautiful.


stella's pov

Wilbur and I sit on a bench and watch as the suns starts to fall below the sea, and watch all of the breathtaking colors to light up the sky. Wilbur puts his arm around me, and without realizing it, I lean on him and put my head on his shoulder.

"I could stay like this forever," Wilbur muses. I agree with him. Even though I've only known Wilbur for a few days ( not counting when I watched him on his twitch channel ), I feel like I can trust him. I feel safe and warm in his hoodie, and he strokes my hair as I rest on his shoulder.

We sit there in silence for what feels like ages, watching the waves crash on the rocks. I don't want to move, though. I haven't felt this comfortable in ages. Is this what falling in love feels like?

sky full of stars - wilbur sootWhere stories live. Discover now