Chapter 1

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Minor TW for quick mention of bl**d and f*re

Rantaro sat in his first period class, math, watching the clock tick. He really didn't like math, or most of his subjects for that matter. He didn't mind art or science too much. But unfortunately, he was in neither of those, instead zoning out on a lecture about trigonometry.. or something.
  "Just 2 more minutes, almost done.. I just wanna get to science already."  He thought, drumming his fingers on his desk. And before he knew it, the bell rang and his classmates were putting away their things. He jumped in his seat a little, coming back to reality and quickly putting away his mostly empty notes. "I'll probably regret not taking most of these later... ugh. Oh well." He got up, slung his bag over his shoulder and headed out into the busy hallway.
  He was on his way to science, which started in only 5 minutes, when he heard loud footsteps behind him, and suddenly felt something crash into his back, then fall on the ground next to him!
  "Aah! Wha- oh, are you ok??"
   Rantaro looked down and saw a girl with long, multicolored hair, a very brightly colored outfit, and multiple piercings on her ears and lip. This was... Ibuki Mioda, right? The ultimate musician? He had science with her; she was always really energetic, so he wasn't surprised that she was running full speed in the hallways.
"Ack, Ibuki's so sorry! She thought she saw a butterfly down the hallway! Are you ok?"
"Y-yeah I'm fine, are you?" Rantaro asked, holding out a hand for her. She took it and leaped up, almost dragging Rantaro down, too.
"Never better~!" She exclaimed in a sing-songy voice.
"Oh, your knee is bleeding! Come on, let's go to the nurse." Still holding her hand, Rantaro started walking to the nurse's office.
"Aw, Ibuki'll be fine! She gets hurt all the time, Rantaro doesn't have to worry about her!"
"Please, you're bleeding all over your sock. Come on."
He hoped the nurse would actually give her a bandaid. Usually she'd just yell at students to go away and that they were fine. The only time she would ever try to help the students was when someone broke a bone, and even then she'd just give them ice. She also frequently had to tend to students who got bit by the various animals that Gundham Tanaka, the Ultimate Breeder, would bring to school.
As he expected, the nurse just yelled at them to get out and that they would be late for class.
"Please? It'll only take a sec, her knee is really hurt."
"Fine, if it'll get you to stop begging me. Here ya go, now get to class."
Rantaro gratefully took the bandaid, and walked with Ibuki to a bench outside. He ran into a nearby restroom to grab some paper towels, and came back and began to carefully clean Ibuki's cut.
"Why is Rantaro so worried about this? Ibuki swears she's ok, it's just a little cut, but Rantaro looks super duper worried!"
"I- uh- yeah, sorry for making a fuss-I dunno, I just always get really nervous whenever someone gets hurt." He replied, softly pressing the bandaid on Ibuki's knee and helping her up off the bench.
"You're right, you are getting bit too worried. Is there a reason?" Ibuki asked as they walked together towards science class. (They knew they were in the same class, they just never talked much)
"Er- yeah, I guess I am." He replied, avoiding eye contact. He didn't realize that they were still holding hands from when he helped her off the bench until she squeezed his hand and gave him a sympathetic look.
"Did something happen?"
He awkwardly pulled his hand away. "Heh- uh.."
Before he could finish his scentence, they had walked into a loud classroom, and faced an angry-looking teacher.
"You two are late." She hissed, glaring at them.
"Sorry about that! Ibuki got hurt and Rantaro was super nice and took her to the nurse! Everything's ok now though!" Chirped Ibuki.
"Well, we're doing a project with a partner, and since everyone else already has one, you two'll have to work together. Go to that empty table, read the instructions, and get to work." The teacher huffed, stomping back to her desk.
"Someone's had a bad day..." Ibuki whispered. Rantaro snickered and they sat down at their table.
"So it looks like... we've gotta add the right chemicals to turn this blue stuff red. I would say it doesn't look too hard, but there's a lot of stuff on this table." He was right. The table had multiple beakers, a Bunsen burner, and an elevated class vile with a blue liquid in it.
"Ah, it won't be that bad! We've got this!" Ibuki said, excitedly putting on a pair of gloves that were on the table, and handing Rantaro his pair.
           They added all the right ingredients and chatted for a while, the blue liquid starting to boil a bit and turn orange. They had completed 17 of the 20 steps so far without fail, and were both feeling pretty confident. Things were going just fine, until..
           "Um- Ibuki, we're supposed to add the copper next, what are you doing?"
           "I know! But the aluminum will make a way bigger reaction, and it'll probably cover the last 3 steps and we won't have to do them!"
           "No. That's a terrible idea."
           "Aw come on, think about it! The copper will barely do anything to the chemical we have now, but aluminum gives it a huge reaction! So, adding aluminum now will turn the stuff red faster!"
            "I see what you mean, but if it was that easy, the instructions wouldn't have 3 more steps. I'm gonna add the copper."
            "Boooorringgg!!! It'll be fine!"
            "IBUKI NO—"
            Before Rantaro could stop her, she was pouring the aluminum into the orange liquid, and-
          The mixture exploded, sending glass shards and sparks everywhere. A puddle of some sort of flaming goo landed on their table and began to spread, catching their notebooks on fire!
            The whole classroom erupted into yelps, spinning around in shock to see what in the world had just happened. Rantaro rushed over to the wall to get the fire extinguisher, and put out the angry flames almost effortlessly, leaving their table a still, smoky mess. The class stopped screaming, only stared, eyes wide.
           "Ibuki, are you alright? What were you thinking?! Did you get burned?!" Yelled Rantaro as he set the fire extinguisher down. He grabbed her hands and skittishly checked them, along with looking her up and down to make sure nowhere else was hurt. Ibuki smiled and patted him on the shoulder and replied,
"Yep! Ibuki is a-ok! Just a little spooked! Is Rantaro ok?"
Rantaro put his hand on Ibuki's on his shoulder. "Yes, I'm fine- are- are you sure your not hurt? It exploded super close to your hands!"
"Rantaro really needs to get less worried when people get in a little danger! Ibuki's just fine."
"I-I know, I'm sorry- I just... yeah." He sighed and finally let go of her hand, then anxiously turned to the fuming teacher. He and Ibuki gulped.
"OH MY GOODNESS!!! DO YOU TWO REALIZE WHAT YOU JUST DID?!? YOU COULD'VE SET THE SCHOLE CLASSROOM ON FIRE, IF NOT THE WHOLE SCHOOL IF RANTARO HADN'T ACTED THAT QUICK!! YOU DESTROYED AN EXPENSIVE CHEMISTRY SET, WASTED MATERIALS, CAUSED AN ENORMOUS HAVOC IN MY CLASS, AND MUCH, MUCH MORE!!! YOU WILL BOTH BE RECEIVING DETENTION AFTER CLASS TODAY, AND AN AUTOMATIC F ON YOUR PROJECT!!! 100% UNNACCEPTABLE!!!!!!" She screamed, hands balled into fists. The rest of the class silently watched the situation, no one daring to move an inch or say a word. Rantaro and Ibuki looked at each other, then the teacher, then the table, where the smoke was dying down, then back to the teacher.
"I-Ib-buki's really sorry, sh-she just thought-"
"Not. A. Word. Clean up this mess, then come to my desk to receive your detention slips."
"Well- I don't think Ran-t-taro should get detention, he didn't actually do anything! He put out t-the fire and made real sure that Ibuki w-was ok!"
"NO. You will both get detention, and that's that. It was both of yours project, and both your responsibilities to do it right. Now be quiet and clean up." They nodded and briskly began to pick up the glass and mess.


The bell rang, and they checked one last time to make sure they had cleaned everything. There was a small burn on the table that they couldn't fix, but other than that, it looked like nothing had happened. As they picked up their bags and began to walk out the door, Ibuki pouted and sighed.
"Ibuki feels really, really bad that you got detention... you didn't do anything, and I just got you detention! Ibuki's super duper sorry..."
"Aw, don't worry about it! If it's anyone's fault, it's the teacher's. And you were just trying to help us finish the project faster, and made a little mistake! It's alright!" Rantaro reassured her. He had to admit, he was a bit annoyed at her, but she really did just make a mistake with good intentions. The teacher was being unfair.
"Is Rantaro sure..? This is super unfair, Ibuki can try to talk to the teacher for you-"
"Don't, it's alright. Talking to her would probably just make her even more mad at you, anyways. And detention isn't all that bad, just 2 hours in a boring classroom. It's kinda like a normal class!" He chuckled. Ibuki laughed awkwardly.
"Welp, see ya.."
He waved her goodbye and headed towards the table that he usually sat at at lunch with his friends Mondo and Taka. He hadn't lied, detention wouldn't be that bad. Knowing Ibuki, she'd probably make it pretty fun, anyways. He chuckled to himself, thinking about how bubbly and lively she was, and how intrigued and talkative she had been during their conversations.
"Heyy, Rantaro! How ya doin'?"
He looked up from his thoughts and saw Mondo waving to him.
"Hey Mondo, hey Taka! I'm good, you?"
He sat down next to them and they talked happily, laughing their heads off when he told them about what happened in science. Well, Mondo laughed. Taka on the other hand, gasped and scoffed, "wha- that's entirely unjust! Why must you get detention?? And what was she thinking?! She should've followed the instructions! I'm glad you were both alright, though." He crossed his arms and pouted.
"Hahaha, that's my Ultimate Moral Compass!" Mondo said, still cackling and wrapping an arm around Taka. Rantaro laughed.

AN: yeah that chapter was trash sorry lol, I'm not the best writer 😅 ik there's only gonna be like, 1 person reading this because this is a really rare ship and a bad fic, so to that 1 person, hello, and thank you so much for reading! :)

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