Chapter 4

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Rantaro woke up about 3 hours later, still in a warm embrace with Ibuki. He looked over to his clock. 6:47. "Sh*t. Were we really sleeping for that long? She probably has to be home by now, her parents are probably worried.." He hated to have to wake her up when she looked so peaceful, but he wasn't just going to keep her this late.
"Hey.. Ibuki.." he whispered, gently rubbing her back. "We should get up.."
She grunted softly and lifted up her head, blinking awake.
"Mmph.. oh, hello.. alrightttt..." she groaned. She rolled off of Rantaro and sat up on the edge of the bed, rubbing her eyes.
"It's almost 7PM. You won't get in trouble, right? If so, tell your parents it was my idea, because it was. I'm sorry-"
"Don't worry about it, Ibuki won't get in trouble. Her parents are super chill."
"Oh, that's good." He drowsily stood up and picked up Ibuki's bag for her. "Do you have a coat in here? It's really cold outside."
"No, I'll be ok though, don't worry. Let's go!"
"Huh- no, take this." Rantaro grabbed one of his coats off his hanger and handed it to her, then put in his own coat. "You ready to go?"
Ibuki reluctantly put his coat on and nodded. Rantaro smiled and grabbed an umbrella, and they began to walk to Ibuki's house through the violent rain.

"Ok, I admit it, I'm p-pretty glad I accepted your j-jacket." Ibuki said, shivering and clinging to Rantaro's arm. He blushed a bit, his face thankfully hidden in shadow. Despite the street lights, they couldn't see each other very well.
"Aw, you ok? The umbrella's coving you all the way, right?" He wrapped an arm around her shoulder and pulled her closer to his side. She hummed in response and slipped an arm under his coat around his waist. Rantaro was one of those people who was always warm, which made her feel better almost immediately.
Throughout the walk they had a bit of pleasant conversation, but mostly just held each other close and enjoyed the warmth and company. Upon arrival at Ibuki's house, they gave each other a hug goodbye.
          "Here, do ya want your jacket back?" Ibuki asked, pulling away and beginning to take it off. Rantaro put a hand on the collar and pulled it back into place.
          "Nah, you can keep it. You never wear warm clothes anyways, and I don't want you to get cold. I-I know you won't get cold, y-you're you after all, heh, but I mean-er-just- uh... Yes. Yes, keep it and wear it and stay warm." He replied. "Oh, god. How convenient that I just HAD to realize I'm head over f*cking heels for her, and turn into a stuttering, blushing mess?? All Im doing is giving her a coat! Jeez, this is a million times more awkward now, if I could just pull it together and act normal-"
          "Oki-doki! Thanks Rantaro, see ya tomorrow! Today was super fun!" She suddenly  gave him a soft peck on the cheek and skipped along into her house, leaving Rantaro a blushing sputtering mess outside.
          "HOLY SHI- DID SHE JUST- WHA- SHE DID NOT JUST- WHY DID SHE- I- HANG ON- H U H????!!?!?!?!"  Rantaro stood absolutely dumbfounded, frozen in place, blushing profusely and staring at her door. "That was just platonic, right? Yeah. Yeah, it was just platonic. I'm overthinking and being gross. But why would she do something so bold..? She's Ibuki. I keep forgetting that." Thoughts raced through his head in absolute mayhem, as he continued to stand frozen on Ibuki's doorstep.
          He liked her—REALLY liked her, he got all awkward when he was just doing something polite, and she just KISSED HIM ON THE CHEEK! HE LOVED HER AND SHE KISSED HIM! Platonically, of course. Duh. But wow, there was a lot going on.
          He decided that he probably looked weird standing around her doorstep for so long, so she shook his head and sighed and started back to his own house.
          He lifted a shaky hand to the spot on his cheek where she had kissed him, which was bright red and very warm. He was usually able to keep his cool around people he liked. Why was Ibuki so different? He fell for her in only 2 days, liked her more than anyone else he ever did, and was all awkward and klutzy now that he knew about it. She'd probably notice and start avoiding him... But why?? Why her?? The one he loved the most just had to be the one he got super flustered around.
          He was going to loose her, he was almost sure of that. I mean, why wouldn't she leave? To her, he was one of those guys who got flustered way too easily. He wasn't one of those people though, this was out of character for him.. god, he wished he could just act normal. Hopefully he could get his act together by tomorrow and she'd forget he ever acted weird.
          But... that wasn't the only thing that would push her away. No, there was something bigger. His sisters. His 12 beloved sisters that he had lost. He was an awful brother, an awful person. She'd find out sooner or later and hate him. Sure, Mondo and Taka knew, and they didn't hate him, but... maybe she would. Rantaro knew how dumb this sounded, but he really was scared. She wasn't a judgmental person, not at all. But Rantaro couldn't help but be afraid.


          After what felt like the worst, longest walk he had ever been on, Rantaro finally arrived at home and flopped down on his bed. It still smelled like her.. it smelled nice. He sighed and got up to brush his teeth and go to bed. In the bathroom mirror, he noticed that his eyeliner had ran down all over his cheeks.
          "I was under the umbrella the whole time and my hair is dry, why is just my eyeliner.. oh. God dammit, I was crying. I can't believe it.. Pathetic. Pathetic, pathetic, pathetic. I shouldn't be crying over a girl I met the other day. I shouldn't be this scared to loose her. I deserve to loose her." He angrily wiped the tear stains off, brushed his teeth, changed into his pajamas and got in bed.
          Glaring out the window, he grunted. He knew he wouldn't be getting much sleep that night.

AN: hi this is kinda a short and godawful chapter, I'm sorry but I simply don't know how to write 🧍‍♀️
I hate myself thank you and goodnight 🤸‍♀️

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