Chapter 2

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Rantaro's last class of the day, 5th period history, went by relatively quick. With all that had happened that day, he was zoning out again on most of the class. Oh well.
He sat down in the detention room next to Ibuki. He felt a bit weird doing so, considering that most of the time, students would sit across the classroom from one another. But he had always been the type to make friends quickly, and he felt close enough to Ibuki to do so. He'd move if she got uncomfortable.
She displayed that she clearly didn't however, when she turned to him and beamed.
"Hey, Ibuki! Guess we just can't catch a break today, can we?"
Ibuki chuckled. "We'll get a break in a couple minutes.. just wait." She had a somewhat evil grin on her face.
"Uh, what's that supposed to mean?" Rantaro asked, raising an eyebrow. Ibuki pointed up to the teacher, who sat down in his seat looking very sleepy. Instead of giving the regular lecture at the beginning of detention, he just pointed to some rules on the board, pulled out a book, and slumped in his seat.
"What's up with him?" Rantaro whispered. Usually this teacher was pretty strict, and would've yelled at them for talking by now; but today he seemed rather careless.
Ibuki snickered and pointed at a travel cup in her bag. "Ibuki kinda took away his energy for the day. This is his coffee! She steals it all the time when she gets detention, he falls asleep super fast! Then, I get to drink the coffee, and I get to run around and have fun in detention with no consequences!"
"Pfft- You what??" Rantaro couldn't help but laugh. "How do you even get away with that?? Haven't you ever been caught?"
"Well, I have once or twice, but with all the energy from the coffee, Ibuki was able to sprint away and everything was perfectly fine!"
"Really? Heh, I can't imagine you being any more energetic than you already are." He said, still giggling, a bit dumbfounded.
"Yeah, it surprised Ibuki, too, but you learn something new every day!" She said, taking a happy sip from the cup. "Want some?"
"Oh-no thanks!" It took everything he had in him not to burst out laughing, and likely waking the teacher up. "It's crazy how fast adults get tired when they don't have coffee. I mean, sure it helps keep you awake, but damn!" He said.
"Pssht, tell me about it. At least we can use it to our advantage!"
           "True, true.." he said with a grin. "What should we do in the meantime?"
          "Tell me where you got your piercings, they're so cool!!" Ibuki replied, excitedly leaning towards him.
          "Oh, I got them at that tattoo and piercing shop downtown, I'm pretty sure it's called... Arson's, right?"
          "No way, that's where Ibuki got hers! Whadaya' think of that boba shop next to it?"
          "I love that place, I go there all the time!!"
          The two happily chatted for a while, taking about their favorite boba flavors, things to do downtown, and other random things. They were both pretty talkative, Ibuki especially, so the conversation flowed perfectly without any awkward silences.
          Amidst their conversation, they ended up finding out that they actually lived pretty close to each other, only about a block away.
"Hey, if we live so close, we should get boba and walk home together after this!" Suggested Ibuki.
"That sounds awesome, yeah! Just about 45 more minutes." Rantaro replied, glancing at the clock.
Ibuki grinned mischievously. "He won't be awake by then. Let's leave now, and he'll wake up and assume we left on time."
"Do you really think he's that gullible...?"
"It's not like he'll be able to find us. And if we get in trouble, we can just do this again tomorrow!"
"Ah, what the heck, you've got a point. Let's go." He grinned and stood up, picking up his bag. Ibuki put the coffee cup under the teacher's desk and picked up her bag, and they headed out the door as quietly as they could.
"Hehe, that was fun!" Ibuki whooped. Now that she was outside and could make more noise, she immediately started running and bouncing around like a squirrel. "Yeah, a squirrel. That suits her well." Rantaro thought as she pranced back up to him.
"I just can't believe how easy that was. I'm assuming you have experience?" He asked with a teasy smile as they began to walk in the direction of the boba shop.
"I sure do! It comes in real handy!" She said, beaming. "The boba shop is only a couple minutes away, what do ya say we run? We'll get away from school faster, and the boba will be way more refreshing! C'mon!"
Before he could say a word, Ibuki had grabbed his wrist and begun sprinting off, far too fast for any average teenage girl. It was hard to keep up with her. Understandable, considering that she was Ibuki Mioda, and she had just had caffeine.
"Holy- you're super fast!"
"You can make it! WEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!"
"She's quite the character." Rantaro thought, smiling to himself.
          They narrowly dodged cars, leaped over rocks, and swerved around people until they finally reached the boba shop, both tired and panting.
          "Do you-run-like this-normally?" Asked Rantaro, crashing down on a bench. "I mean that was-like-REALLY fast."
          "Not-all the time, just-sometimes. Phew! Welp, we can go on whenever you're ready!"
          "Wow, you-recovered fast. Yeah, let's-lets go." He shoved himself off the bench, finally starting to catch his breath, and they walked inside. "You should try out-for track or something, whether you've just had coffee or not, you're-fast." He said while they stood in line.
           "Eh, I've thought about it, but sports aren't really Ibuki's thing." She said, shrugging.
           "Yeah, I get that. Well, your skill is certainly useful for getting all the way across town in 2 minutes." Ibuki laughed.
          They made it to the front of the line, ordered their drinks, and headed out of the busy shop. They continued to talk happily (I'm too lazy to write more dialogue and this already has way way WAY too much of it help I can't write) all the way until they got to Rantaro's street.
          "Thank you for hanging out with Ibuki today, she had a ton of fun! Rantaro is a super cool guy!" Said Ibuki with a big smile on her face.
          "Of course, I had a lot of fun too! I'd love to hang out with you more in the future."
          "That sounds woooonderfulllll!! I should be going now, so see ya!" She gave him a big hug goodbye, which he was not expecting, turned on her heel and pranced away. He waved to her back and continued down his shot street to his house.
"Man, she's fun. I don't know why I don't hang out with her more often.  I mean, she's super sweet, funny, energetic, unique, confident, friendly, we share a lot of interests, I love her sense of style, we get a long super well... and it's kinda cute how she always talks in 3rd person like that. And she's like a never-ending ball of energy. Honestly, I'd love to get to know her more. I should ask Taka and Mondo if she can hang out with us at lunch, I bet they'll like her." He thought, passing the cars and mailboxes and making it up to his door.
          He pulled the key out of his bag, unlocked the door, and headed into his room. Rantaro didn't realize how tired he was until he flopped down in his warm bed. He decided to use his little bit of energy to to text Taka and Mondo.

Avocado: hey, you guys know that girl Ibuki? The Ultimate Musician?

Kiyotaka: the girl who gets detention all the time? Yes..

Simps for Taka: yeah I don't know her that well but she seems cool, what about her

Avocado: well I hung out with her a bit today, and she seemed really really nice! I bet you guys would like her if you got to know her, so I was wondering if she could start hanging with us at lunch and stuff?

Simps for Taka: sure bro sounds great!

Kiyotaka: I am a bit hesitant, but okay.

Simps for Taka: aw come on babe, even if she's a bit of a troublemaker, she'll be fun! I'm sort of like that too, and you're fine with me! 😁😘

Kiyotaka: that is because you're by boyfriend, Mondo.

Avocado: is that a yes 🧍‍♂️

Simps for Taka: all good with me bro! 👍

Kiyotaka: yes

Avocado: awesome, tysm!🤸‍♂️

Simps for Taka: of course man🙂

Rantaro smiled and plugged his phone in on his bedside table, changed into his pajamas, (he didn't care whether it was late or not, he was tired. And it was, indeed late) and got back in bed and fell asleep quickly.

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