UwO whats this?

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You froze upon sight of the dead body, what the hell?.. you backed up, covering your mouth in shock. Soon, shouts and screams filled the air. But what most of all, was Nagito's reaction. Nagito slowly walked towards the table, clearly unhinged. The tension in the air stung, you got up and looked at Nagito. "N-No.. no... no!.." Nagito whimpered, looking at the dead body in total shock.

"N-No! N-No.." Nagito fell to his knees. "N-Nagito!" You came to his side, trying to be careful, afraid any touch could harm him. "O-Out of all people.. to d-die here.. w-why.. him? W-Why cant they b-both ever just leave me a-alone?!.." Nagito said under his breath. "N-Na-" Before you could finish, Nagito let out a cry of anguish and total depression.

You picked him up, well, attempted to anyway. Nagito thrashed violently as Akane and Ibuki rushed to his side. "THEY KILLED HIM! THEY KILLED THE ONLY PERSON I KNEW HERE! THEY-" Nagitos voice cut off as the door slammed shut. "The.. only person he knew here?" You said. "I domt know, but.. I dont think it has anything to do with-"

Suddenly... furry! Monokuma appeared out of nowhere. And suddenly.. bunny! Monomi came too. "Puhuhu! It seems there has been a murder!" Monokuma smirked devilishly, "O-Oh.. oh no.." Monomi whimpered, looking down sadly. "A murder? N-No way!" Hajime shouted assertively. "Hajime.."  You gently put your hand on his shoulder. Hajime looked down/up at you and sighed.

"Alright, heres one rule! During every murder, you will investigate! And during after the investigation.. drum roll please!" Monokuma slammed his fingers against the table, then made a happy facial expression. "A class trial!" "C-Class trial? This.. this doesnt make any sense, damnit!" Kazuichi shouted.

"Puhuhu!" Monokuma then left the room along with Monomi. You had to go find Nagito, fast. You walked around the cabin for what seemed like hours, til you heard crying. You turned around a corner to see Nagito balled up, petting his hair aggressively. His whole body was shaking. Your face saddened at him. You sighed and walked over.

"Nagito.." You sat down. "Y-Y/N?.. huh.. w-why cant I just.. b-be normal for once in my life?" Nagito asked. "Even if it happened so long ago.. w-why does it feel so p-painful to remember?" Nagito asked. You had no idea what he was talking about, but that didnt matter. "I-I.. I truly dont know but.." You gently put both hands on his shoulders.

"Please.. just tell me what happened.."  You said softly. You didn't have enough time to react as Nagito suddenly crashed his body into you. You felt him tremble in your arms. His hand was gripping onto your arm as his face was in your chest. You frowned at him sadly, and gently embraced him.

"I-I.. I want her back.. w-why did he take her from me?.. why did he.." "Shhh.."  You softly said. You then pet his hair gently, but that seemed to make him cry harder. "I know.. I know.. it's scary here, huh? I wanna go home and see my family too, Nagito.." Nagito eventually stopped trembling, and just melted in your embrace. He grumbled.

"T-Thank you.. I feel.. a little better.." Nagito smiled at you. You flinched in response, and blushed light pink. "Hey.." You stopped him from leaving for a second. "If anything is wrong, just tell me, okay?.." You asked. Nagito paused, then smiled. "Okay.." You both then left separate ways, you both felt a bit better in eachother arms then and there.

All that mattered to Nagito was to get her back, and all that mattered to you was that he was happy.
AYYYYYYYYEEEEEE! I have a girlfriend now uwu
I'm not a virgin incel anymore gamers >:)
Oh and her name is _Bagels_

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