Chp 14.

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Ashton's pov

The next day (first date)

I've been planning this-well imagining this date for some time. Couldn't fall asleep since the night i had asked and today, school went by so fast that I'm pretty sure I didn't even get one blink in before I was back in my car, driving home to make sure any last minute details decided to go wrong.

It's currently 4pm and I'm changing my shirt for the tenth time. Hearing knocking come from my door, Ryder walks in with a smirk on her face.

"Well look at you." She gushed.

"I don't know what to wear." I whine.

I didn't think I would have this problem. I specifically picked my outfit out the day before, but when I went to put it on, it took two minutes and you could see my sweat.

I'm so nervous

"The blue button up." She nods.

"Are you sure? I tried it on. I don't think its good enough for our first date."

"Blues her favorite color and it brings out your eyes. Oh and your muscles." She stated grabbing the shirt from the pile on my bed.

Handing it to me, I took off the burgundy shirt and replace it with the button up.

"Also, you put your keys in the vase and the flowers in the bowl." She laughed walking out my room.

Buttoning my shirt, I check myself in the mirror one last time before I leave. Walking down stairs, I indeed saw that I had put my flowers for Daniella in the key bowl. Walking over to where I put my keys, I grab the flowers and make my way outside.

Walking to the truck of my 2000 Jeep Cherokee, I lift the truck and do a mental list of everything for this date.

Basket, blankets, extra jacket (for her to have), speaker, paint, paintbrushes, and canvas. Plus the flowers in the front seat.

Realizing I got everything I close the truck and get into the driver seat. Pulling my phone out, I scroll to Daniella's contact. Sending her a messages that I was on my way, I contact the aux and play my car playlist.

Pulling into her driveway, I turn off the engine and give a silent prayer before walking towards the front door with the flowers in my hands.

Knocking on the door, an older looking Max opened the door.

"Oh hello. You must be Ashton." She smiled.

"Y-yes ma'am, that's me." I smiled reaching my hand out.

Shaking my hand, she pulls me into the house. Closing the door behind me, she walks toward the kitchen.

Following behind her, she sets out two cups and pours some water into it.

"I'm Aria. It's so nice to meet you. You look handsome." She laughed.

"Thank you and It's nice to meet you too. I wish I had come better prepared for meeting you."  I shyly bring up the flowers.

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