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(2nd person POV)

You welcomed Tendou in while screaming in your head. You were nervous to have him at your house especially since it's a bit messy at the moment. You led him into the living room and offered him a seat.

Once you two were seated the questions began.

"Why the fake name L/n-san?"

"Well because I'd rather not have everyone at school know. At least until I graduate. It would just be a lot to handle with school. It's nearly overwhelming enough as it is."

"Oh I see. I see. And is that a new story? Does that mean 'Neo Psychic Go!' Is ending soon?" he asked excitedly.

"Yeah, I feel like I'm ready to move on from that. You actually read the first draft so that's not the final product. Also I should've asked sooner but could I get you something to drink? I had just put on a pot of tea."

He thinks for a second, "Sure! As long as your parents don't mind."

As you made your way into the kitchen you answered him, "My parents don't live here so it's fine."

You make the tea and hand it to Tendou. As you return to your seat you see him giving you a puzzled look.

"Yes?" you say trying not to blush.

"Well uh. If you don't mind me asking where are your parents?"

You sigh before replying ,"They travel a lot and I hardly see them. Work stuff. So to make things easier I live by myself. It's kinda nice though. No bedtime." you tried to make a joke to lighten the mood.

"Oh thank god I thought your parents were dead or something." Tendou busts out laughing, which then led to you laughing right beside him. After a minute or two of that you guys finally calmed down and Tendou turned to look you in the eyes yet again.

"I swear if he looks at me like this one more time today I will die."

"But if you live alone does that mean you pay for everything?" he gave you a look of concern.

"Hm?" you were snapped out of your thoughts. "Yeah but ya know. I have a job so it's not hard."

"Doesn't it ever get tiring though? School and then drawing when you get home?"

You thought for a second before speaking. "Yeah. But I wouldn't change anything. Seeing my name- well...My fake name in Shonen Jump is enough to make it worth it." you smiled to yourself.

It was now Tendou's turn to blush.

"Anyways you want that autograph still?" you chuckled.

"Oh yeah! But could you..maybe sign it with your real name?" He handed you a piece of paper he had folded in his pocket.

"Why? I thought you wanted *Fake name*'s autograph. Mines worthless." you took the paper.

"Maybe now but you never know. Please?" He attempted to give you puppy dog eyes.

"Sure" you gave in, signing your real name.

He took the paper from you and stood up. You and him both head towards the door.

"Oh before you go I have a question myself?" you asked.

"YEs L/n-san?"

the two of you were now standing at the door. You were now nervous.

"Are you gonna tell anyone?" you fidgeted with your hands.

Tendou thought about what you'd asked. He had never planned to, but your question gave him an idea.

"Hmmmm. I don't know. Maybe I will. Unless." he smiled.


"Unless we make a deal." he leaned on your doorway.

"What kind of deal?" you asked.

"I promise not to tell if you let me read the final draft of your newest manga before submitting it!"

"That's all?" you asked slightly relieved.

"That's all. Is that a yes L/n?"


"Good. Well I need to head home. Goodnight, I'll see you tomorrow." Tendou said as he was walking out the door. Turning to give you a quick wave.

Once Tendou was completely out of your sight you closed the front door and got to work on editing until you heard your doorbell once again. 

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

(a/n: I hope you guys kinda get the vibe of where this is going lol <33333)

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