𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚎, 𝚝𝚑𝚛𝚎𝚎 | 九, 三

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Clay was an enigmatic person. At least George thinks he is.

He has quite the name for himself. Not a terrible one, persay, but he was dubbed infamous for being a boisterous kid; he had heard that the blonde had beaten up two boys in the middle of the school grounds after hearing bigoted comments towards Ant and his partner, or that one time George hears that he somehow shut down the entire computer lab after deciding that he was bored.

Not to mention that he never stops talking George's ear off whenever they have the dreaded collaboration project together. (Although he was thankful that he had ended up with someone who has the artistic abilities, he doesn't think he could even get a decent grade with guessing what the colours were from the different petals they dissect every meeting.)

Clay was indeed boisterous at times, sure. But when George watches the same boy slouch on his seat at the cafeteria tables, fork in hand as he lethargically stabs the traitorous noodles on his plate-- he seems so different; quiet and meek as he returns unsure smiles to the tall person who always sits beside him at lunch.

That boy seems completely different. Like two sides of a façade within the same person--

George taps his fingers on the table and hums thoughtfully.

It was not his place to know, anyway. They were not friends as far as he knows of.

"I still can't believe you gave someone my ticket for our movie date!" Callahan signs at Alyssa, pouting, before turning his attention at George. "You too, you traitor!"

"You said you're hanging out with Sam, not my problem." he shrugs

Alyssa giggles at the younger, "we could always go next week, Cal."

"Wait, who did you give it to? You could've just given it to me." Ant interjects to which Callahan nods at.

"We gave it to Clay." George replies, poking through a half-eaten dumpling with one of his chopsticks.

Ant raised an eyebrow, "Clay? As in Clay, the one who broke someone's nose because they harassed Red?"

"Yep." George nods, munching on the dumpling.

"I didn't know you were friends." Callahan signs before stealing a piece of meat off Alyssa's plate.


"George invited him at class earlier. I didn't know they were close either." The girl reaches a fork to slice the meat in two before giving the half to Callahan.

"But I think it'll be fun. Clay's a nice person."

Ant hums thoughtfully, still eyeing the brunette and somehow, George feels like he's a flower being dissected on the laboratory table; he feels exposed for some reason.

"We're lab partners. I think it's common courtesy to invite him, it's bound to happen at some point." He reasons. "And we're going to the art store after the movies for our collaboration project anyway."

"Just you two?" Ant prods.

"Well, yeah, I mean-- Alyssa has a curfew." George turns to Alyssa for approval. "Right?"

Alyssa nods through a mouthful of rice.

"Right." The younger drops the subject, much to his comfort.

He returned to his bowl of rice, the eggs and the beef colliding together in a burst of flavours in his tongue and he feels sick.

He downs the soda in one big gulp.

Why is his heart beating so fast?


the three part chapter is finally finished!! its rly hard to write it since i wanted to show how their lives would connect with each other

but yeah!! i decided to give the third part to george's point of view after inviting dream to the movies to somehow connect techno's message back in the second part: "he [george] seems like he's showing, while not romantic, reciprocated interest at least."

i'll stick to frequent updates now that our finals is over,, thank you so much for 4.6k reads!! it means a lot to me!! ♡♡♡

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