The Sower

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Keep your mouth shut

Don't speak

The Sower is out there

If he hears you talk he'll sow your mouth shut

If he hears you laugh he'll make sure you laugh with your lips closed and a big smile painted on your face

So don't laugh

Don't speak

And don't look behind you


This was the last thing I wrote yesterday on the twenty ninth. I was still in my lunch period. Basically my teacher told us to stay quiet during lunch since our masks were off but the kids didn't listen. She then more loudly said be quiet so the kids kinda became more quiet. Some people were still talking though and since I was still in my killer numb mood thing I imagined sowing their mouths shut. I'm messed up I know. Okay so after that this idea just popped into my head. It's my first poem of this genre. I hope I did kinda okay. Chao for now since I have written a poem today like at 1 am. Yes 1 am. Chao. 

January 29, 2021


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