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Beautiful white and pure

That's what you used to describe yourself as

Now your just a shadow of what you used to be

No longer are you beautiful white and pure

The world has tainted you with its darkness

Ill favored, grey, and tainted are your new adjectives

You try to bring back the white but all you do is make it a new shade of grey

You try to make yourself pure once again but you just taint yourself even more for the greed of your happiness

Who would have thought that one day you would want to be white again

When you were white you desired to be a different shade

Innocent and curious you were

Your questions you have answered

Regret you have unleashed

If only you hadn't

Now you will forever be a shade of grey

No longer white

Your hope is just to never be tainted again

But we all know this world won't let that happen

More specifically your dark side won't rest till there's no more light

And soon you will no longer be grey nor white

Instead a shade of obsidian you'll be

Unless you ask for redemption there will be none

And for eternity you'll remain a shade of obsidian


I made this a long time ago I just never posted it. Also I finally cut my hair how I wanted it yesterday so that's great. Have a good day. 

May 23, 2021 

- D.G

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