hidden beast

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It didn't take Obito long to fall asleep after a day combing the town for clues about Tsunade's whereabouts, then meeting the Sannin herself. After Tsunade left and the team settled down, the exhaustion quickly set in.

When the team set out, Obito hadn't thought twice about camping out with them. Since losing the Book, he was too busy—or too preoccupied—to worry about visions of the Sanbi. And the dreams had become less frequent lately.

When he found himself looking up at a clear blue sky, Obito sensed he was dreaming, but it was in a vague, far-off sort of way. The familiar scenery was laced with just a faint hint of unease, like the smell of incoming rain.

It was a lazy, peaceful day, one of many spent training or tracking Akatsuki in the other time. The brilliant colors and giant plants of Mount Myoboku were as real as real life.

They lay side-by-side on the grass under the shade of an overlarge fern.

Obito had his arms crossed behind his head, nearly dozing. The toads refused to teach him Frog Kumite because he didn't have a contract with them, but they were always willing to spar. Even when he got kicked around, it made for a useful experience.

"'Should ask tou-chan if you can join the contract," Naruto said, punctuating it with a yawn. "I asked these guys, but Boss Toad said it's better to have it on your own side."

"I'll ask him after the war," Obito said.

A cloud high above them moved, and he blinked slowly in the light filtering through the giant frond.

"We helped Lava Lady find the Rokubi, but now we can't go after the other bijuu until Akatsuki does. It's so annoying! All because nobody wants to listen to us!"

Obito turned his head to look across at Naruto. He was staring up at the underside of the leaf, brows scrunched determinedly.

"They're out there in danger," Naruto continued. "I can find them no problem with my Sage Mode. But if we take them away now and people find out, it'll look like Konoha is going around stealing bijuu. That'll only make them turn to Akatsuki faster. There could even be another war."

Obito rolled onto his side. He grabbed a fistful of grass, digging his fingers into the soft earth. "About that. I... kind of had an idea."

"Really? What?" Naruto sat up on his elbow quickly.

"It's a little out there. I don't think Jiraiya-sama would like it."

Naruto grinned. "Come on, what is it?"

Obito smiled. "I've been talking to Tobi, trying to find out anything I can about Akatsuki. He says that, aside from the leaders, they don't know him very well. If we use the seals..."

Obito paused, confused. A nagging feeling told him that plan wasn't possible, that something about the whole thing was off. But what?

The pressure in the air dropped. Obito looked up into the sky. Dark clouds were moving in at an unnatural pace. He jumped up and raised his arms to guard against a sudden gust of wind.

Rain started to fall and quickly became a torrent, rolling off the great ferns and stalks, making their heads bob.

The smell of atmosphere fell heavy over him. Lightning flashed, then thunder rolled over the landscape.

Mist rose up into a dense wall. A shadow loomed inside of it.

The air cracked again, this time with an enraged roar that shook the ground.

Obito whirled around, eyes wide. But Naruto was gone.

He turned again and dove into the forest of grasses and stalks, pushing his way through, shoving toward the great shadow. The grasses picked and pulled at his clothing.

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