descendant rising

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Obito brought them directly into Madara's hideout.

He didn't land outside, didn't wait to scope out the area. He wanted Madara to be surprised. He didn't want to give him time to try anything.

For once, Obito's impatience seemed to pay off. When they slid through the wall into the cavern, both of the Zetsu were there. They whirled around to stare at the intruders, caught off guard.

Madara was sitting on top of a gnarled root at the base of the tree. He didn't start or call out when they appeared, but his one visible eye widened.

Naruto stepped in front of Obito, Kakashi, and Rin. He clapped his hands together, and his body lit up with brilliant golden light. It covered him from head to toe, flame-like tendrils of energy radiating off his form.

He walked a little closer to Madara and held his arms up, taking on a defensive stance. "Give us the book. We know you have it."

Madara's narrow-eyed stare took in Naruto and the golden aura he emitted. He glanced beyond Naruto to Obito and the others.

He was surprised. Obito could tell. Feeling emboldened, Obito walked forward, standing only slightly behind Naruto. He activated his Sharingan.

The swirly Zetsu pointed at Naruto. "Eh, boss? That thing—"

"I told you I'd help you find the book," Madara said to Obito. "But I didn't expect you to come back here with friends. Especially not a jinchuuriki fully in control of their powers." Madara studied Naruto again. "Strange. I should have known about you. I'd say that makes no sense, but I have started to understand what the book means. That other dimensions are real, and can be unlocked with the right power. You've gone much farther than I expected, if you can bring people like this here."

Madara reached into his gi and pulled out the Book of Seals. Obito's stomach twisted when he recognized the bloodstained cover. He took a step forward, but Naruto held an arm out in front of him.


"I can see the situation isn't quite what I thought it was," Madara said. "I am very interested in this work, though. It says a living vessel is needed to complete the Summoning, but what sorts of vessels are acceptable? Do you know?"

Madara swept one thin hand toward the Zetsu on his left side, the one who had a more human-like face.

Naruto inhaled sharply and crossed his arms together in front of himself. Then he uncrossed them in a large motion and the aura surrounding him shot out into ethereal claws from either hand.

The claws slammed into each of the Zetsu before either had a chance to react. He shoved them into the walls on either side with a great crash, and they writhed and cried out as their bodies started to transform.

Madara turned his head quickly to look between the two growing Zetsu as their bodies elongated and become more and more tree-like. There was a loud crack as they sprouted roots into the stone of the cave, breaking it apart in places. The trees rapidly grew long branches and sprouted small, pin-like leaves. Naruto's claws retracted only after they were completely transformed.

The whole thing took less than thirty seconds.

"I won't give you a chance," Naruto said quietly.

Madara's face looked like it had hardened into stone.

"You're outnumbered. Give up," Kakashi said.

Obito took another step to stand even with Naruto. "You have no power as you are now. You have nothing to summon with. Drop the book now, and don't make any wrong moves."

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