to each our own fear

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[posted 12/14/2020]

Obito felt his heartbeat in the tips of his fingers as he made his way carefully along the pitch-black tunnel.

When the plant-thing led him to this place, he wasn't surprised to find the area familiar. It was near where Iwa scouts had laid a trap that would have come close to killing him in a different time.

On the way down, Obito kept his breathing steady. He reminded himself to run at the slightest hint of a trick.

This meeting was a long time coming, but fighting Madara was too dangerous without backup. No matter how weak he looked.

A short meeting. That was all. Just enough to disrupt whatever plans he had for Akatsuki.

"Here we are!" the plant creature said ahead of him, slapping its hand on a solid-sounding surface. "It's on the other side of this wall. That won't be a problem for you, right?"

"I got it," Obito muttered. He reached out and felt the rough texture of the stone. He took another deep breath to reassure himself.

No matter what he says, you know who you are. You would die before doing what he wants. Nothing can change that.

Obito exhaled and stepped through the solid stone wall that separated the underground tunnel from the cavern beyond.

The cavern was dark, the edges entirely hidden. But Obito's vision adjusted, and there was enough light from somewhere far above to make out what was in front of him.

His gaze was drawn immediately to the trunk of a gigantic tree. As he and the Zetsu walked closer, Obito slowed his step when he felt the stone on his chest become warmer than his skin.

"I brought him, boss!" the Zetsu waved its arms. "You didn't think he'd come, but here he is! I couldn't believe it either! But he already knew you were here. Isn't that amazing?"


Obito stopped completely when he saw the old man sitting at the base of the tree.

Madara turned his Sharingan on him.

This Madara looked very different from the Edo Tensei version Obito met in the future, but they were unmistakably the same. Only this Madara looked thin and frail, and he did not have the Rinnegan. He was connected to the great tree via long vines connected to his back. His posture was bent as if weighted down by the years, propped up with a staff, but his gaze was sharp and aware.

He examined Obito for what felt like ages.

"It can't be." Madara raised a gnarled finger and pointed at him. "Last I heard, the Slug Princess was off licking her wounds somewhere. How did you come upon that stone, boy?"

This close to the tree, the stone was emitting a faint light, just barely visible through Obito's shirt. He put his hand over it to conceal the light.

"None of your business," he said bluntly.

Madara gave a small laugh. "I thought there was something notable about you when you passed through here several months ago. But to wear that and still be alive, there must be even more to you than I thought."

Obito stuck his thumb out at the Zetsu. "Swirly over here said you wanted to talk to me. I'm here, so hurry up and tell me what you want."

"Want? Nothing, really. I was only a little curious." Madara leaned forward against the staff. "This life of mine holds few interesting moments. I'd gladly die of boredom, but I need to stay a bit longer to see my legacy go on. I've heard about you."

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