Laughing Jack|Late Night Cuddles|Reader

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(It's like 2:47 am in this)
      I popped a lollipop into my mouth, and hopped onto the counter, sitting crisscross. Scooting back a little, I grab my laptop and place it into my lap.
    "What to work on..." I mumbled out quietly. It was the end of the semester and I had 37 missing assignments left to do. (A/N: No joke this was me end of first semester this year-)
    I decided to start with my math, since math was easy, I just didn't do it since I had to watch my niece for the weekend. I didn't have a lot of missing math, just 2 assignments, that would be done within minutes.

•couple minutes later•

      "And... submitted!" I mumbled out as I submitted the last of the math. "Now what to do?.." I whispered out as I browsed through my class's.
       As my mouse hovered over the English course, my laptop was forced shut. "WHAT THE FUCK?!?" I yelled out as I stared at the figure in front of me. I was expecting it to be my idiot of a brother but no, it was my goofball boyfriend.
        "Baby! I'm board!! Give me attention!" He whined, dragging out the 'y' in 'baby'.
        "LJ... I've gotta do this or else I fail first semester..." I said as he gave me a pout.
        "But that's gonna take foreverrrr!" He said with a sad tone of voices.
         "How about you go lay in bed and I'll be there in a minute? Yeah?" I suggested smiling at him.
           "I have a better proposal GumDrop... I let you continue your work.. IF we can cuddle right now.." he said.
           "Right here? On the counter? That's gonna be really uncomfortable.." I said. His face morphed to look at me with a "are you dumb?" face. "What? What's with the face?"
          "I'm not an idiot Gummy Bear.. but by the looks of it, you are.." he said with a short laugh. "Of course I didn't mean here.. I mean on the couch or on a chair.."
          My face heated up as an embarrassed blush rose to my cheeks. "Oh.. yeah I knew that!" I said back loudly.
        "Mhm~ sure~" he teased. The male moved my laptop, and set it to the side. He grabbed my legs and pulled me to the edge of the counter. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he locked my legs around his waist. Lifting me off the counter, he reached out to my left and grabbed my laptop, placing it between the two of us. He rested his hands on the back of my thighs, almost groping my ass, as he started to walk out of the kitchen.
He walks into the tiny living room and sets me on the couch. He lets me adjust myself, to were I'm sitting comfortably and set up my laptop. Once he sees I'm all settled in, he gets on the cushion beside me and wraps his long arms around me, leaning his head onto mine.
•50-ish minutes later•
I clicked the submit button on my essay, hoping it wasn't too bad, as I had rushed through it. "Hey, Lj.. we can go to bed now, I'm done for tonight.." I said as I gently tapped him.
The only response I got was him lifting his head for a moment. Looking at me with tired eyes he pushed me down onto the couch and snuggled up close to me, nuzzling his face into my neck.
I smile to myself and bring my hand up to his hair, and slowly play with it. The occasional scratch of my nails against his scalp makes him try and cuddle in even closer.
I gave a kiss to the top of his hair. "Good Night LJ. I love you." I mumbled out as I slowly drifted to sleep.
Today I bring you a LJ x Readerrr. I'm actually pretty proud of this- and like it might be sucky to some people but this took me a whole month to think of it 🤠
I'm on a zoom call with my friend and he said I looked weird while typing this 🧍
(Word count: 705 <including the A/N> )
Byeeeee ~nonbinary potato

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