Jeff The Killer|FNaF AU|Animitronic!Reader

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<Requested by @Salvy_deldroid>
(Y/N) POV.
       As I finished my show, the audience of little kids roared with cheers and laughs. It was my favorite part of being in this awful place....
        'I heard there's a new  person working the night shift.. Jake was his name?..' I thought to myself as I watched the children walk out with there parents.
         'Oh how lucky those kids are... I miss my parents... I wish I could just see their faces one last time.' I thought as the lights went out..
           I didn't feel like getting a controlled shock tonight, so I just stayed on my stage, I've only experienced a controlled shock once, and I can say it hurt like a bitch, I never wanna feel that again..
         I hear the elevator start coming down, and hand unit talking. "It seems you had a bit of trouble with the keypad. But I see what your were trying to say and I will autocorrect it for you." There was a pause for a moment. "Welcome (W/N)" <w/n : whatever name, I couldn't thing of one->
         "HUH??!" I Heard a raspy voice yell. "MY NAME'S JEFF NOT FUCKING (W/N)!"
         I hear the elevators open, and someone crawling through the vents. "We'll start your nightly tasks. Since it's your first day, we don't want to overwhelm you, and have you never come back, so your tasks will be easy. Use the blue button on your left to turn on Ballora's stage light." It goes quite for a minute. "Oh no, locks like  Ballora is all tired from dancing. Let's motivate her with a controlled shock. Use the red button to activate a controlled shock."
        "Huh? How the fuck would shocking a robot do anything? They can't feel shit." He presses the button anyways. The horrible sound of the shock echos off the walls, making it longer than it should have been.
       "Let's see if Ballora is on her stage." HandUnit says. His voice is so annoying. "Looks like Ballora is feeling better. Keep up the good dancing Ballora." He says.
         "That sounded like it actually hurt.." Jeff mumbles.
          "Over on your right is FuntimeFoxy and (Y/A/N) <(y/a/n) : your animatronic name> stage. They have separate controlled shock buttons as to not control Schock them both if only one needed it." HandUnit explained. "Use the light to see if FunTimeFoxy is on his stage."
           The light on his half flickers on. "Oh no. Looks like FunTimeFoxy wishes to play a game. Now now FunTimeFoxy, now is not the time for games. Use the red button on the left side to activate FunTimeFoxy's controlled shock."
           He hesitates for a minute, but pushes it after HandUnit repeated what he had said. The sound was even louder since I was it the room. I would of winced if I was able to.
           HandUnit spoke again. "Let's see if FunTimeFoxy is done with his game." Jeff presses the light. "It appears that FunTimeFoxy is still not here. Let's try another controlled shock."
            He pushes the button again. I close my eyes and try and block out the sound.
             "Let's see if FunTimeFoxy is back on his stage." The light flickers on. "Welcome back FunTimeFoxy." "Double click the blue button to activate (Y/A/N)'s lights."
            The light shines bright in my eyes. And I resist the urge to cover them with my arms.
            "Oh no.. looks like (Y/A/N) is not on their stage. "Let's motivate them with a controlled shock."
              "Are you fucking stupid?! They're right there!" Jeff hells out.
            "Let's try a controlled shock. Press the red button on the right side to activate (Y/A/N)'s controlled shock." HandUnit says again.
          "I'm not shocking them, they are literally right there!" Jeff protests.
           "Press the red button on the right side to activate (Y/A/N)'s controlled shock." HandUnit says again.
          "You're not gonna shut up till I press the button are you?" Jeff questioned. Sighing, he gave me a sorry glance and pushed my button.
            'Fuck, make it stop please.. it hurts. So bad..' I think to myself. I want to cry, to scream, anything to distract me from the pain. I look over to see FunTimeFoxy looking over at the control room with the closet thing to a pissed expression an animatronic can make. The shock seems to last forever. I can barely hear HandUnit over the ringing in my ears.
          "Good job (Y/A/N). Glad to see you've decided to come back." Is what I can make out.
           They go through the vents again, heading for CB's room. Once FunTimeFoxy is 100% certain that they are far enough away that they won't hear us, he races over to my sid of the room.
            "What the fuck was that?! You were right here the whole time! And HandUnit knows it!" He angrily yelled.
             "It's fine FunTimeFoxy.." I mumbled out.
            "No it's not! That bastard hurt you for no reason!"
            "I promise you. I'm fine. I just wanna rest for a bit.." I said as I sat down and closed my eyes. When I woke up there was pieces of paper taped to the window, 'I'm Sorry About Last Night - Jeff' each word taking up a entire sheet. I smiled and got up to start my day filled with the laughter and joy of children.
A/N: I hope you enjoy this, this was kinda fun to make, we got a little bit of overprotective FunTimeFoxy, and a little bit of a caring Jeff added into the mixture. The more I re-read this the more I can see this as a FunTimeFoxy x Reader, but I tried to make it like a sibling bond, so sorry if that confused you-
Sorry I didn't do your William Afton x Jeff The Killer, I tried but couldn't see it going anywhere so I decided to do your JTK x animatronicReader instead.
I might make a second part to this-
(Word count: 995 words <including the a/n>)
Byeeeeeeeeeee ~Nonbinary Potato

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2021 ⏰

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