Tachycardia ch3

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So I wrote most of this in July and lost interest until now. 🙃
Frong POV

When I woke up it was just starting to be daylight.
Rubbing my eyes drowsily I looked to my side to get a look at Thara only to discover he wasn't there.
"Hmm I wonder where the hell he went?"
I thought begrudgingly.
Confused I decided to get up and get ready for today's events.
Later on in the day as the group was plating trees. I was peacefully digging the hole for my tree when the camp director came up to me.

"Have a good sleep last night"
He said suggestively.

"It was fine"
I said.

"Where is the doctor didn't you guys wake up together"?
He asked.

"Why P'Thara didn't come with us"?
I questioned.

"Nope, he's not at the camp site either".
He stated.

I shook my head as he started to walk away. "What's that weirdo up to now"
I thought continuing planting my tree.
Tara POV

"Sigh...where could it be Cupcake"?
"Do you see it anywhere"?
"We have been looking for ages".
I asked my lizard.
"No.. neither do I".
I said looking into Cupcake's cute small face.

Why can't I just find this necklace I know how much it means to Frong. I just have to find it for him.
"What do you think"?
Cupcake just licked his eye in response.

I crouched down by the waterfall fall again with another sigh.
Scoping the area one more time before I give up. My eye catching a glimpse of something similar.

"OMG Cupcake we found it"!
I shouted picking up Frong's preshious necklace.
"It was right here all along how did we over look it so many times"?
I said out loud.

"Let's go find Frong"!
I said excitedly.

I was leaving the waterfall to find Frong, but he was already here looking for what I presumed was his necklace again.

"Hey,this is yours right"?
I asked.

Frong turned around and saw what was in my hand.
"My necklace,where did you find it"?
Frong said giving me the biggest smile I have ever seen on him.
(Thump thump)

I just smiled back handing him his valuable possession.

"Yesterday I was out taking some photos,and took some of you".
"I looked back and noticed you not wearing it in the photos". "So I thought it must have fallen off just before that".
I said replying to his question.

He nose laughed with a cheeky smile
"You secretly took my photo"?

"No,I didn't".
"I'm gonna delete later when I upload it to my computer".
I said smiling embarrassed

He looked my up and down.
"When did you start looking"?
"Did you even sleep"?
Frong worriedly inquired about my whereabouts.

"Don't worry about me, this necklace is important to you right"?
I said dusting the dirt off my shirt.

Frong smiles cutely and nods
"Thank you".
I mimic the action.

"Here hold Cupcake"
I said placing Cupcake in his arms.
"and I'll put it on".
"Turn around".
I said tapping his shoulder.
Frong POV

I was a little caught off guard when Thara abruptly placed his alien pet in my arms.
When Thara tapped my shoulder as I was turning around, I felt my heart rate starting to rise.

A smile I can't control is starting to form on my face again. I think I'm starting to feel kinda hot as his fingers readjust my necklace.

"That's a little weird Frong".
I thought.

I turned aroud when he finished.
"Thanks again for finding this".
I said holding the end of my necklace.

Thara just smiled and nodded holding his hands out.
Realizing what he wanted, I gently handed back the weird reptile that is starting to grow on me, back to him.

"We should probably head back".
Thara said scratching the back of his neck.

With that we silently headed back down the waterfall.
Thara POV

It's the last day of camp and we are getting ready to leave. I've been looking around for awhile. When I finally catch sight of my target.
(Deep breath) Act cool, act nonchalant, act like a bro then he'll never know you caught feelings.(Breath out)
I walk up to him and sit right next to him.

"Can I have your Line ID"?
I asked calmly in my most bro voice I have available to me,while I swallow my whole hart that's about to beat right out of me.

He handed me his phone with a smile.
"Thanks again for the necklace".
He said

"There's no need for thanks I barely did anything".
I replied quickly handing his phone back to him.

"We're bros right"!
I said too convincingly.

I patted his leg.
"Don't over think it".

"Let's go".
I stood up to leave.

"God I hope I'm as good of an actor as I am a doctor".
I thought to myself.
Frong POV

I just sat there for awhile after Thara left.

"Did I just get friendzoned"?
I questioned my self.

"I mean it doesn't matter it's not like I like him or anything".
"He's a weirdo right"?
"But he did help me find my dad's necklace".
I facepalmed.
Frong get your shit together.
"He was just being nice because you helped him find his scale puppy".

I'm done overthinking, if I don't get up the bus is gonna leave without me.

As I was walking up to the bus I saw that An kid standing really closely to Thara.

"So will you come over to my house to help me study"?
An pleaded to Thara with huge shining yet seductive eyes.

"Uhhhm..sure I think studying with someone could be helpful for me as well".
Thara said.

"What do you think Cupcake do you think I should study with our new buddy An".
Thara asked his pet.

"This is gonna be a long ride".
I thought.
So what do you think?
Thara catching feels.
Two blows in a row for Frong
Friendzoned/Potential love rival.
The tea is commencing.
Also can I just say as I'm writing An I just imagine him looking at Thara like this
The whole time.

Sorry for any spelling and grammar mistakes.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2021 ⏰

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