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I am not a writer ok don't @ me. My grammer and punctuation ain't it.
Also this characters are not mine they are the original authors
'mom, mom's 👌
With out further adieu here is my first fanfiction.

Frong POV

"Were here"Tee said.
Finally I thought. I can't take Thara asking me if I'm gonna vomit one more time. Guess that's what happens when you tell a doctor you don't feal good.

"How are you feeling now"? Thara asked.
"Fine but I'll feel much better once we get off this bus".

Thara stood up so we could get out but stoped gasping.

"What is it are you ok"? I asked worried.

"I'm fine but it's Cupcake he's missing. I just saw him now he's gone. How did he get out? Oh no what am I gonna do? What if he gets stepped on? What if he gets stuck? My poor cute baby. What am I gonna do?

I grabbed his shoulder to stop his rambled worries. It's gonna be ok I'll help you look for her, I smile reassuring him. First let's check under the seats okay.

A while passes and he still hasn't turned up. I glance back at a dejected Thara
when we suddenly make eye contact.

"What if we can't find him"? Thara said starting to tear up.

Shoked to see his tears. I feal weird and my heart is starting to beat faster. I clench my chest but, walk closer to him taking his hand in mine.

It's ok Thara we'll find him I say softly.
He looks up at me sadly but nods his head in agreement starting to look for Cupcake again. He looks down spotting our connected hands. That's when I realized we were still holding hands. I quickly pulled my hand away joining him in searching again, my heart now beating even faster than before.

Thara POV

I'm so worried Frong and I have been looking for my precious Cupcake forever now, when suddenly I hear a scream.
I run down to the ground floor of the bus and see, A terrified Duen clutching onto Bohn for dear life.
I look at the subject of his screaming only to see the cause of all my stress.

"Cupcake"! I shouted picking him up looking frantically searching him over for any injuries.
I signed in releaf seeing as no harm has come to my sween innocent Cupcake.

Frong came running down the bus after me worry in his face. I smile at him holding up my cute lizard to my face.
"Frong, Duen and Bohn found my adorable little Cupcake". I said overjoyed.

He looked at ease about the rescue of Cupcake until his eyes shifted over to the couple who were still holding each other.

When Duen saw our eyes on him he got shy and jumped off Bohn.

"What are you guys doing back on the bus"?
I questioned.

Duen quickly replied "I forgot my bag" scratching the back of his neck.
"What are you guys still doing here"?
Duen asked innocently.
Then Bhon looked at Duen. "Of course they were look for that" he pointed at my Cupcake.

"Oh yeah hehe" his eyes sqinted up with a smile of embarrassment.

"We should all get going now" Frong said with a distant look in his eyes

As Duen and Bohn exited the bus I stopped Frong "what's wrong"?
"Nothing I just still feel a little car sick". He replied

Oh my God I totally forgot Frong felt sick because of my worry for Cupcake.
"Oh yeah sorry for making you help me find Cupcake when you weren't feeling well"

"No its fine i offered. Let's just get out of here so I can get my land legs back"

"Yes let's get out of here" I smiled at frong.

Nodding he smiled back, that smile that always makes my hart have palpations.
What is this feeling mabey I have tachycardia. Am I dying no no Thara don't self diagnose everything is fine it only happens when...
my thoughts were stopped when frong asked.
"Are you coming"? With his eyebrows raised.

"Oh yeah coming"
And with that we finally got off the bus.


I hope you enjoyed this I might Wright another chapter but we'll see. IDK🤷‍♀️

I got inspired by th comments on the last episode of my engineer on YouTube.
People were say omg Cupcakes gonna get out and scare the hell out of Duen.
So this is how I imagined that going lol.

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