Trechyrdia ch 2

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Soooo Frong and Thara aren't together yet 😢. Why you gotta do my boys wrong like that? I'm gonna try to do them some justice to tide us over until season two. Also I just wanted to tell you I made the gif for this chapter because Shane's smile was adorable.👌
With out further adieu part two to my first fanfiction.

Frong POV

After we got off the bus Thara and I separated into the crowed as the camp leader was showing us around, repeating the schedule for the next day.

After the groups dispersed around the camp figuring out where they were going to sleep, and what they wanted to do for the rest of the evening.
I decided to change my clothes.

After I finished I was walking among all the tents when Duen stoped me.
"Ohw P'Yim your wearing the shirt we got together.
Me too that's such a coincidence".
Duen said smiling
"We're going to the waterfall do you wanna join us"
Duen said innocently not noticing the look of annoyance on his boyfriends face.

Thinking better of joining them I simply stated.
"No thanks I'm not in the mood right now, I think I'm just gonna walk around for awhile".
With that I waved and walked away.

Thara POV

After arriving at camp and walking around for a while, I asked An a boy I had talked to a couple of times prior to the trip who took a liking to Cupcake if he could watch him for awhile, because I wanted to take a hike up the trail nearby.
I felt safe with him watching Cupcake cake because he also has a cute lizared at home called Croc. He even showed me a few pictures, so cute!!!

I stared up a trail by the waterfall to take some pictures with my camera that I brought with me.

I was taking some pictures when I noticed a handsome figure. That just happened to be a certain someone I couldn't stop thinking about.
Like how when we were on the bus he held my hand and...his smile(thump thump) my heart pulsed.

Raising up my camera I looked thru my viewfinder to get a better look at what Frong was doing.
He was taking of his t-shirt to get in the water. Smiling I snapped a few photos as he went about the task.
Upon further inspection I realized he was walking further in the water to play with a few girls that were splashing at him.

I was feeling a little jealous of those girls.
But why am I'm feeling jealous?
It's not like he's my boyfriend or anything. MY BOYFRIEND!! Thara what are you thinking about? Stopping my thoughts immediately feeling kinda shy.
I looked over again only to see him smiling having a good time.

That smile that's brighter than the sun and sweeter and cuter than even my Cupcake is. Sensing a smile starting to form on my face as well, I decided I should stop being a creep and give him some privacy.
Continuing taking some pictures of nature down the trail.

Later on as I was headed back to camp I noticed the pinnacle of my thoughts as of late, again. Why is he every where I go?

Is he surching for something?
"Hey Frong".
"Are you looking for something"?

"My necklace" Frong replied grabbing at his neck with a sad look in his eyes.

"I just realized it was gone after showering".
"It should be somewhere around here".
Frong stated

"I'll help you find it".
But Frong quickly rejected my offer.

"It's fine I can find it my self".

"No I'll help you find it. With two people it will be faster".
"Besides you helped me find Cupcake earlier right? How can I not help"?
Frong nodded

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